


MRS STAR: Well, children. It's the end of school. Where do you want to go on holiday?

SIMON: Let's go to the beach.

STELLA: Oh, I want to go to the mountains this year. I want to draw birds and trees and I want to watch small animals. I'd like a new notebook and pencils, please.

SUZY: Are there shells in the mountains, Stella?

STELLA: No, there aren't, but you can get lots of beautiful flowers.

MR STAR: Do you want to go to a big city? We can walk in the streets and sit in cafés.

ALL: Oh, no! We don't want to go to a city.

SIMON: OK, let's go to the mountains. Can we swim there, Mum?

MRS STAR: Yes, you can.

MR STAR: OK, that's good. We're all happy to go to the mountains for our holiday.

STELLA: So can I have a new notebook and pencils, then?

SIMON: Well, I want some new sunglasses, please.

SUZY: And I want a new sunhat, please.

GRANDPA: Hmm, and now I want my dinner.

