主播:梅莉 | 翩翩
歌曲 :Walk Away
网易云上有粉丝留言,想要了解西方人的交友文化,今天,我们就来聊一聊,how to make international friends(如何国际交友)。
不管你是planning to go to another country(打算出国),还是you are already there(已近身居国外),交外国朋友都会让人觉得quite overwhelming(压力山大),甚至有些人还会觉得scary(恐慌)。主播梅莉去过几个不同的国家,对此,她深有体会。她给大家带来了几个交友小tips,希望可以帮助到大家。
*overwhelming /ˌoʊvərˈwelmɪŋ/ adj. 压倒性的
Tip 1:Get out of your comfort zone.
就像管仲对齐桓公说的:戎狄,豺狼,诸夏,亲昵。因为是同胞,you connect easily with people who speak the same language(语言都相通),感情、文化也一样,交朋友很容易,这就是我们的comfort zone(舒适区)。
“Get out of your comfort zone”指的是:you need to do things you aren’t used to doing.
要想交到international friends, it is important to get out of your comfort zone(走出舒适区),以及speak to other people who are different from you(同说另一种语言的人交谈)是至关重要的。
You need to decide to do so. 这是一个你需要做的决定。
梅莉刚到巴塞罗那的时候,也是不想踏出自己的舒适圈,一开始,想要live by herself(不跟朋友一起,自己在外面住),但后来还是克服了自己,试着去get out of her comfort zone,并且was able to be with people from different cultures。
Tip 2:Learn a little bit of the language.
梅莉highly suggests learning some basics of the language(强烈建议学习一些基本用语)。比如你初到法国,你可以学一些像“hello” “thank you” “please”这些basics phrases的法语说法,这样一来,即使说的不完美,locals appreciate you making an effort(本地人会很欣赏你的努力),对你的好感度会倍增。
*appreciate /əˈpri:ʃieɪt/ v. 欣赏
另一个方法,使用英语交流,因为英语已经成为了the most widely spoken language(使用范围最广的语言),即便语言不通,there is always someone that will speak some English(总会有人讲英语)。
想要交到international friends,语言互通很重要,但有时也没有那么重要,因为你总是能find a way to communicate(找到交流的方式)。
梅莉也是刚刚参加完一个会议,很多中国与会者听不懂法语,梅莉就会帮忙翻译。所以说,there is always a way to translate。
Tip 3:Be curious.
因为人类本身也会喜欢那些喜欢自己的人,to be curious(怀有好奇心),对于不了解的文化和新认识的人,ask questions。People love to talk about themselves(人们都想要聊聊自己),如果你对他们的文化感兴趣,去问问题吧,they will be happy to share their cultures,同时,you will also learn a lot by doing this(你也能收获知识,收获朋友)。It’s a win-win situation. 双赢!
Tip 4:Go to events.
可以经常去一些events where you can socialize with others(你能和他人交往的活动)。梅莉今年夏天在巴塞罗那,因为朋友们都回法国了,她一个人的时候就会went to as many events as possible(尽可能多地参加活动),she always ends up meeting really cool people(最后通过events认识很多酷酷的人)。
哪怕是成不了lifelong friends(终身之交),但至少you get to practice speaking a different language(可以练口语),同时还能 learn about different cultures。
所以,do not be afraid to go up to people(不要害怕去接近人), introduce yourself(大方介绍自己), ask where they are from(问问他们来自哪里), what they do(做什么工作)等等。
Tip5:Stay open minded.
Be open to new ideas and ways of thinking.
世界之大,无奇不有。要对new ideas and ways of thinking(新的想法和思维方式)保持一个开放的态度,不用学他们,但是见识一下无妨。
Stay open minded and curious(打开思维,保持好奇心) and do not be afraid to experience things that you might not be used to(对于不适应的事物,大胆尝试).
梅莉走过了好几个国家,she truly finds it beautiful to be able to meet people from all over the world(遇见世界各地的人是一件很美好的事)。Travelling, trying new food, learning new languages is so exciting to her.旅行,品尝新的美食,学习新的语言,等等,一切对她来说都是令人兴奋。
We can learn so much from people.所以,别再胆怯,get out there be adventurous(出去去冒险),do not be scared to talk to people(大胆交谈) and ask questions(提问问题),你会meet your lifelong friends in the most unexpected ways(以最意想不到的方式认识可以相处一生的朋友)。
*adventurous /ædˈventʃərəs/ adj. 勇于冒险的
Just go for it!
一席英语 回复 @GloriaYu_圣香: Tips用起来,可以先从给我们留言 提问题开始
in the most unexpected way 不是“用最意想不到的方式”的意思吗?
一席英语 回复 @小鱼仙Yuri酱: 嗯嗯 对哒,您理解的很对!