英文演讲:What Matters More Than Your Talents(比天赋更重要的事情)

英文演讲:What Matters More Than Your Talents(比天赋更重要的事情)


As a kid, I spent my summers with my grandparents on their ranch in Texas. I helped fix windmills, vaccinate cattle, and do other chores. We also watched soap operas every afternoon, especially "Days of our Lives." 

My grandparents belonged to a Caravan Club, a group of Airstream trailer owners who travel together around the U.S. and Canada. And every few summers, we'd join the caravan. We'd hitch up the Airstream trailer to my grandfather's car, and off we'd go, in a line with 300 other Airstream adventurers. I loved and worshipped my grandparents and I really looked forward to these trips. On one particular trip, I was about 10 years old. I was rolling around in the big bench seat in the back of the car. My grandfather was driving. And my grandmother had the passenger seat. She smoked throughout these trips, and I hated the smell.

祖父母参加了一个房车俱乐部,一群人驾驶Airstream房车,结伴游历美国和加拿大。每隔几个夏天,我们会加入一次旅程。把房车挂在祖父的小汽车后面,融入300余名Airstream 探险者的浩荡队伍中,就这样出发。我爱祖父母,心怀敬仰,很期盼这些旅程。在我大约10岁时,有一次很特殊的旅程。那次我胡乱坐在后座上,祖父开着车,祖母坐在他旁边。整个旅程祖母都吸着烟,我讨厌烟味。

At that age, I'd take any excuse to make estimates and do minor arithmetic. I'd calculate our gas mileage -- figure out useless statistics on things like grocery spending. I'd been hearing an ad campaign about smoking. I can't remember the details, but basically the ad said, every puff of a cigarette takes some number of minutes off of your life: I think it might have been two minutes per puff. At any rate, I decided to do the math for my grandmother. I estimated the number of cigarettes per days, estimated the number of puffs per cigarette and so on. When I was satisfied that I'd come up with a reasonable number, I poked my head into the front of the car, tapped my grandmother on the shoulder, and proudly proclaimed, "At two minutes per puff, you've taken nine years off your life!” I have a vivid memory of what happened, and it was not what I expected. 




  • Walkmann

    Kindness is more important than talent

  • 有声英文

    Speaker: 杰夫·贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos),出生于美国新墨西哥州阿尔布奎克,毕业于普林斯顿大学,互联网巨头亚马逊公司创始人、董事长兼CEO,华盛顿邮报大股东之一。他于1995年创办亚马逊公司并于2年后带领公司成功上市。2018年首登世界首富之位。这是他2010年在母校普林斯顿大学的毕业典礼的演讲,善良比聪明重要,选择比天赋更重要。鼓励年轻人,善用自己的天赋,做出对的选择。因为,人生到头来,我们的选择,决定了我们是什么样的人。贝佐斯在演讲中回忆了自己童年的一段经历,希望毕业生们能明白,聪明是一种天赋,而善良是一种选择。

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