迈克尔 彭博 Michael Bloomberg Entrepreneurship Leadership and Politics

迈克尔 彭博 Michael Bloomberg Entrepreneurship Leadership and Politics


金融亿万富豪 - 迈克尔·彭博

Michael Bloomberg: Entrepreneurship, Leadership and Politics

迈克尔·彭博(Michael Bloomberg)1942年2月14日出生于一个中产阶级家庭,犹太人后裔。进入约翰斯·霍普金斯大学后靠为人泊车及借贷才完成了学业。1966年获哈佛大学工商管理硕士学位。毕业后进入所罗门兄弟公司任股票交易员。1972年成为该公司的股东。很快他又接过该公司的股票、贸易、销售业务,稍后又接手信息系统。1981年该公司所罗门兄弟公司被菲布罗公司购入后,由于他的性格率直,容易得罪人,而被突然解雇,他得到了1000万美元的遣散费。随后在美林公司同意入股30%的情况下,他用这笔钱成立了以自己名字命名的公司彭博信息公司。1990年他又开办了彭博经济新闻社(彭博资讯)。后又开设了彭博电台、电视台、网站等。2001年11月当选为纽约市第108任市长,2002年1月1日就职。

An interview and Q&A with billionaire Michael Bloomberg. In this interview Michael discusses his early life and how he became and entrepreneur. Michael also discusses politics and gives his advice for leadership in different situations.

Video Segments: 
0:00 Introduction 
1:30 Solomon Brothers
3:49 Becoming an entrepreneur 
9:06 How close was the vision to what Bloomberg became
10:52 What possessed you to run for mayor/ Letting others run Bloomberg
12:50 3 things your most proud of as mayor?
14:20 How do you lead in different situations 
22:36 Advice to Donald Trump
29:03 Advising the divide in voters
36:17 Start of Q&A
36:40 Reconsider running for president ?
37:47 What is business leaders responsibilities to stop the inequality divide ?
46:49 Advice for politicians without experience?
52:33 How to make different parts of society come into contact?

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