550 Three Miles

550 Three Miles


There’s a program that brings together kids from two schools. One school is public and in the country’s poorest congressional district. The other is private and costs $43,000/year. They are three miles apart. The hope is that kids connect, but some of the public school kids just can’t get over the divide. We hear what happens when you get to see the other side and it looks a lot better. 

  • 听友211184300

    大多数人只是生活在一种平静的绝望中’或可作Maleni的注脚。 当其他孩子还处于懵懂的时期,对于F校的一切都感到新奇的时候,Maleni的潜意识却敏锐地察觉到了社会阶层的巨大差异,她一直以来梦想的一切一切都出现在了眼前,仿佛触手可及实则是镜花水月,早慧在此时反而成了一种负担,不可承受之重降临于她;她将那份申请当作了她的伊卡洛斯,不断逼近着她的未来,但羽翼最终的融化使她不堪地选择了逃离,断绝了从前的一切,期望甩开那份‘重量;’我多么希望在经过多年自我周旋后Maleni能够与自己和解,在一个和煦的午后在一间咖啡馆和记者谈论着往事、故人,以往的不堪苦楚到最后都化作她唇边的一抹释然。

    听友211184300 回复 @听友211184300: 然而哽咽的声音不由得让我猜想有多少个不眠的夜晚以及仍然折磨着她的回忆。最让我难受的莫过于记者所言‘this is what happened all the time.’