




Section  Use of English (10 points)

1. B   2. A  3. B4. D   5. C  6. B 7. D 8. B  9. A 10. B

11. A  12. C  13. C  14. D   15. A   16. C   17. A   18. C    19. D    20. D

Section  Reading Comprehension (60 points)

Part A (40 points)

21. D   22. B   23. A   24. C   25. D   

26. C   27. D   28. A   29. D   30. A

31. A   32. B   33. B   34. D   35. C  

 36. C   37. D   38. B   39. C   40. A

Part B (10 points)

41. C  42. D 43. A  44. F 45. G

Part C (10 points)

46. 在物理学中,有一种方法将这种追求统一的冲动发挥到了极致,它寻找一种万有理论,即一种单一的能够解释我们所看到的一切的生成性的公式。

47. 社会科学领域,达尔文似乎提供了一个合理的解释:如果全人类都有共同的起源,那么,文化多样性也可以追溯到更有限的开端这一假设好像也是合理的。

48. 从共性之中去掉个性,可以使我们认识到复杂文化行为的产生方式,以及在进化或者认知方面主导复杂文化行为的机制。

49. 其次是乔舒亚•格林伯格的尝试,他采用了更具经验主义的方法去研究语言中的普遍性,鉴别出许多语言所共有的特征(特别是在语序方面),而这些特征被认为体现了认知制约所产生的偏好。

50. 乔姆斯基的语法本应体现不受语系树谱图或其演变路径影响的语言变化模式,而格林伯格的普遍性理论则应可以推测出某些特殊语序关系之间有极强的相互依赖性。

Section  Writing (30 points)

Part A (10 points)

Dear friends,

We are pleased that you will arrive soon, and on behalf of the Students’ Union, I would like to extend my warmest welcome to all of you.

To help you settle in, we have some suggestions for you. First of all, it is strongly suggested you bring a VISA card to China, as it can facilitate the payment of both your tuition and accommodation fees in our university. Secondly, you should apply for a Beverage Card in the Food & Beverage Service Center, because most students’ cafeterias on our campus only accept the card for payment. Moreover, a bicycle would be a good choice for convenient transportation in and around the campus.

I hope that you find these tips practical and useful. If you have any questions or problems, please feel free to contact the Students’ Union. Looking forward to seeing you soon and wish that everything goes well for you.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming

Part B (20 points)

As is vividly depicted in the illustration, two men have entirely different reactions to the bottle knocked onto the ground. Seeing the drink spilling out, one falls into despair, sighing “all screwed up”, while the other hurries to lift  up the bottle, smiling as he feels so lucky still to have something left in it.

The symbolic drawing is attempting to convey a thought-provoking message. Problems can always divide people into the pessimistic and the optimistic. The former focus their attention on the dark side of things, whereas the latter on the bright. These  comtrasting attitudes usually lead to opposite results. As pessimists are always obsessed with what has been lost, they do not even think about making any attempt before surrendering to the misfortune. On the contrary, optimists, concentrating on what may still be possible, can more often than not, create opportunities of their difficulties. Consequently, pessimists are doomed to be overwhelmed by obstacles, while optimists survive.

Therefore, from my perspective, the impact of attitude on our life is significant, especially when we are confronted with adversity. As we know, life is by no means perfect since problems are inevitable, but I am convinced that life is 10 percent what happens and 90 percent how we react to it. It is attitude that ultimately makes or mars our life. Just as Mark Twain once said, “It’s not the size of the dog in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the dog.”

