63 A Big Fish in a Little Pond 小池塘里的大鱼 ACT III

63 A Big Fish in a Little Pond 小池塘里的大鱼 ACT III


I love my school. I have so many good friends there now. 我喜欢我的学校。我现在有那么多好朋友在那儿。
I wouldn't miss a day even if I were really sick. 即使我真的病了也不想错过一天。
Come and sit down for a minute, Michelle. 过来坐一会儿, Michelle 。
I'd like to talk to you about something. 我想跟你谈一件事。
Something important. 一件重要的事。
What's wrong, Susan? 有什么问题吗,Susan?
Oh, there's nothing wrong, Michelle. 噢,没什么,Michelle。
But your daddy and I are talking about something 但你爸爸和我正在讨论一件事
that I'd like your opinion about. 我需要你的意见。
I know. I heard you talking about it 我知道。我听到你们谈论的那件事
the other night when I was trying on my new clothes. 也就是我试新衣服的那天晚上。
It's about moving to Los Angeles. 是关于搬家到Los Angeles的事。
You're right. How do you feel about it? 说对了。你觉得怎么样?
Well, I really wouldn't want to move, but ... 噢,我实在不愿意搬家,但是…
But? 但是什么?
But if you and Daddy wanted to, 但是假如你和爸爸想搬的,
I guess you know what's best for the family and for me. 我猜想你们一定知道怎样做对整个家庭和我是最有利的。
That's very considerate of you, Michelle. 真会体谅别人,Michelle。
But what about your friends? 但你的朋友怎么办?
I'd miss them a lot, 我会非常想念他们,
but I know what it feels like to miss someone. 但我知道想念一个人是什么样的滋味。
Honey, we don't have to move 亲爱的,我们将不搬
if you're not going to be happy about it. 假如你会因为这种事而不快乐的话。
Does Daddy want to move? 爸爸想要搬吗?
I think so. He's going to tell us tonight about the job offer. 我想是这样。他今天晚上会告诉我们关于那份工作的事。
Well, how was everybody's day today? 喂,今天各位过得怎么样?
Michelle was chosen to do Michelle被挑选去
the school poster for the play this year. 做今年学校话剧的海报。
Congratulations, Michelle! That's something! 恭喜,Michelle!太好了!
And how was your day, Susan? 那你今天过得怎么样, Susan?
I see you're in a good mood. 我看你心情很好。
Why don't you tell us about your day. 何不告诉我们你这一天过得如何?
I met with Bill York. 我与Bill York会面了。
It's OK to talk about it, Harry. 这件事可以摊开来谈,Harry。
Michelle knows all about it. Michelle已经全知道了。
Really? 真的?
Really, Harry. 真的,Harry。
Michelle and I have all kinds of feelings Michelle和我感触很多
about leaving New York, the family, and friends. 对于离开纽约的家人,朋友。
But if you think you should take the job, we're behind you. 但如果你认为你应该接受这份工作, 我们支持你。
What about Michelle's school? 那Michelle的学校怎么办?
We'll move after the school term. 我们等这学期结束后再搬。
What about her new friends? 那她的新朋友?
I'll make new friends wherever we are as long as we're together. 只要我们能在一起无论在哪儿我都能交到新朋友。
We're a family, Harry. 我们是一家人,Harry。
Whatever you think is right for you is right for us. 你认为对你是好的对我们来说也是好的。
I am so touched. The two of you are really something. 我太感动了。你们俩个真是了不起。
We love you, Daddy. 我们爱你,爸爸。
And I love you. 我也爱你们。
OK. Now, tell us about your talk with Mr. York. 好啦,现在告诉我们你跟York先生的谈话吧。
Did you take the job? 你接受了那份工作?
Nope. 没有。
What? 什么?
No? You didn't take it? 没有?你没有接受?
No, I did not take the job. 对,我没有接受那份工作。
But, Daddy, I thought ... 但是,爸爸,我想……
Harry, you didn't turn it down because of me ... Harry,你拒绝它该不是因为我……
Or me? 或者我?
No, no. I turned it down because of me. 不,不。我因为我自己而拒绝了它。
How's that? 这是怎么一回事?
Well, I began to think about you and about Michelle, 噢,我开始想到你和Michelle,
and then I asked myself, 然后我问自己,
do I really want to work for the biggest company in the country? 我真的想替全国最大的公司工作?
And? 结果呢?
And I don't. 我不想这样。
I went into business for myself 我当初自己开公司
because I like being my own boss. 是因为我喜欢自己当老板。
I run my own company. I'm a big fish in a little pond. 我经营自己的公司。我是一条小池里的大鱼。
I'm not really sure I want to be a little fish in a big pond. 我不是真的很确定我想成为一条大池里的小鱼。
Oh, Daddy, does that mean we don't have to move? 噢,爸爸,你的意思是我们不必搬家?
That's right, sweetheart. 是的,宝贝。
Are you sure? 你确定?
I couldn't be more sure, Susan. 我再确定不过了,Susan。
I'm glad if you are, Harry. 假如你很确定我就高兴, Harry。
And besides, 更何况,
how could I live in Los Angeles 我怎么能住在Los Angeles
when all my favorite people live here? 而所有我喜欢的人都在这儿?
Your favorite people? 你喜欢的人?
Who's that? 谁呀?
The Stewart family, of course. 当然是Stewart一家人。

I kept asking myself--
do I really want to work for the biggest company in the country?
The company is Craft and Craft.
The biggest accounting company in the country.
I know the company well. It's big.
The biggest.
They are big all right,
with offices all over the country.
They're big.
Altogether, they have 86 offices in the U.S. alone.
And one of those offices is in Los Angeles,
and that's where I'd be. L.A.
Harry Bennett, just one accountant
in a huge company full of accountants.
I'd be one little fish in a big pond full of accountants.
Do you want to be a little fish in a big pond?
I'm not really sure I'd want to be
a little fish in a big pond.
I like being my own boss.
His own boss.
I work hard but I make my own schedule.
I can take time off when I want to.
And I choose my own clients.
I have a client in the garment business,
on 7th Avenue.
I do his taxes every year.
He and my other clients know me personally and
I know them.
He knows them all.
They tell me I make a big difference
in their businesses and I do it my way,
as president of my own company.
I guess you could say I like being
a big fish in my own little pond.
He wants to be a big fish in a little pond.
A little pond.

