Lesson 34: What Will I Do? 我将会做什么?(订阅+关注,五星好评)

Lesson 34: What Will I Do? 我将会做什么?(订阅+关注,五星好评)


Anna: Hello! Halloween is very popular in the United States.

Anna: Children trick-or-treat. They ask people for candy. Children and adults wear costumes and go to parties!

Anna: In fact, there is a Halloween party tonight. I need my friend, Genie. Genie!

Anna: Hi!

Genie: Hi, Anna! What do you need?

Anna: Tonight, there is a Halloween party.

Genie: I love Halloween! Are you going?

Anna: I might go. I might not go. I don’t have a costume. Can you help me?

Genie: Dress as a genie!

Anna: Great idea! I can do a genie trick like read minds!

Genie: Anna, be careful. Things might go wrong.

Anna: What can go wrong?

Genie: Okay.

Anna: Hey, look! I’m a genie! This is going to be fun!

Genie: Remember, Anna. Be careful!

Anna: Don’t worry, Genie! I will!

Rebecca: Excuse me, are you really a mind reader?

Anna: I might be.

Rebecca: Okay, tell me what I am thinking.

Anna: Sure! First, what do you do?

Rebecca: I study. I'm a junior in college.

Anna: What do you study?

Rebecca: I study journalism.

Anna: Okay. Wait. You are thinking … you will graduate from college in about one year.

Rebecca: Well, yeah. That’s the plan. I told you, I’m a junior in college.

Anna: Right, um, wait. There’s more. You are thinking … you might get a job writing the news.

Rebecca: I MIGHT get a job writing the news? I MIGHT! That means I might not. And I'm studying really hard.

Anna: No, no, no, no. Uh, no, you will! You WILL get a job writing the news.

Rebecca: I will?

Anna: You will.

Rebecca: I will. I think.

Anna: 'Bye. Happy to help!

Kaveh: Can you really read minds?

Anna: I might.

Kaveh: Well, today, I will ask my girlfriend to marry me. What am I thinking?

Anna: Wait. Wait, you are thinking ... you might have a wedding very soon!

Kaveh: Might? MIGHT? She won’t say "no," will she?

Anna: No, no! She WILL say “yes”!

Kaveh: I will have a wedding, won’t I?

Anna: You will. You will!

Kaveh: Thanks. I think.

Anna: Good luck!

Anna: This is hard. Genie! Genie!

Genie: Anna, what’s wrong?

Anna: I don’t want to be a genie for Halloween. I might not go to the party.

Genie: Of course you will go. I have another costume for you!

Anna: I’m a rock star! You read my mind!

Genie: No. You told me you like rock music.

Anna: Oh, right. Well, I love it!

Genie: Have fun, Anna!

Anna: Thanks, Genie!!

Anna: I am ready for the Halloween party! But I am not going to read minds. I might play some rock music! Or I might not. Until next time …

