Famous Sayings by Famous Persons 名人名言
Some people are able to surpass others by far; the main reason is not their genius but their tenacious spirit to study with undivided attention and their unwavering will to reach their aims.——[British] Dolton
有些人能够远远地超越他人,其主要原因与其说是天才,不如说他有专心致志坚强学习和不达目的决不罢休的顽强精神。——[英] 道尔顿
All geniuses are armed with extraordinary energy and extraordinary working ability.—— [Germany] Liebknecht
没有一个天才不是具备非常的精力和非常的工作能力。——[德] 李卜克内西
Words and Expressions 单词和短语
be able to 能够;surpass 超过,超越;by far 到目前为止,远,非常;main主要的;reason 原因;genius 天才;tenacious 顽强的,坚韧不拔的,稳固的;undivided 专心的,专一的;attention 注意力,兴趣,立正;unwavering 坚定的,不动摇的;will 意志,决心;reach 到达,达到;aim 目的,目标;armed with 用……武装,带着……设备;extraordinary 非凡的,特别的;energy 能量,精力,活力;ability 能力,才能,本领
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