


As a child,I am always crazy about receiving red envelopes during the Spring Festival.This year,to my surprise,a large number of people including adults grabbed their own red envelopes on New Year's Eve.As soon as the red envelopes matched with the Internet,it swept across China quickly and became the hottest topic!作为一个孩子,我特别喜欢新年时候收红包.而让我震惊的是今年很多人包括成年人在除夕就收到了红包.只要红包在网上出现,那么这种方式很快就会在中国流行起来并且成为一个热门的话题.
Needless to say,it is a fantastic activity.First and foremost,it is not only a good chance for us to communicate with others,but also keeps up our Chinese tradition.Because we might receive red envelopes from relatives,friends and someone else.One red envelope,one warm wish.In addition,this activity reflects development of technology and convenience it brings to us.We can give or receive red envelopes on the Internet instead of going out to visit people.Last but not least,it is obvious that grabbing red envelopes attracted lots of people and made our life colorful especially during Spring Festival.In a word,the hit made this Spring Festival meaningful and entertaining.不用说这是一种很好的方式.首先并最重要的是,网络红包不仅促进了我们和其他人的沟通交流,而且同时也保持了中国原有的传统.因为我们会从家人亲戚朋友那里收到红包.一个红包,一份美好的祝福.此外,网络红包从另一个方面说明了通讯科技的发展给我们生活上带来的便利,不用出门,我们就可以轻松的在网上收发红包.最后,春晚发红包很吸引人,同时也使得我们的生活变得多彩.总之,网络红包热让春节变得更有意义,更欢乐.

  • 雪莉女娃

    对于初高中生 是福利哈 很棒 持续更新哈

    田儿_4c 回复 @雪莉女娃: 谢谢马上收费了,还会订阅,会持续更新