CHUCK每月一信 2022年7月

CHUCK每月一信 2022年7月


July 2022


July can be a war zone or contain the peace of God. Whatever it is will be your will hidden in secret or displayed in not-so-secret ways. Choose now with all your heart what you want for July. If you are lost or confused ask to be shown the way back to yourself or even to your Self. If you are trying to be right or win at all costs, sooner or later it will end badly. And you will blame others for your loss and wounding and use it to justify where you felt forced to wound others. Of course, this will only wound yourself more. When examined from a subconscious perspective your being a victim is an excuse to hide and not to go forward. It is a way to be independent and prove you are right. You pay a heavy price for this as it imprisons you and blocks your ability to receive and enjoy.


This month you can become aware of your dark dreams as they show up in your life as suffering. These dreams are secret wishes that are part of your hidden aspect of your split-mind. The principle is: what you see is what you want to see. Instead of feeling attacked or attacking yourself for your dark dreams, use them as a way to realize that what is happening is a dream and you are the dreamer. Knowing this you can step through any dream and beyond to a better place.


Equality is what transforms July into a garden on the way to “The Garden.” Not above or below another but only side-by-side saves you and your relationship as equality is the fundamental building block of happiness and success. To achieve this means giving up both your specialness and your smallness. This month you will most likely have choices between your smallness that eventually leads to depression or your greatness because of your desire to contribute to the world through your purpose. You can wear the face of “innocence” to hide treachery, judgment and attack thoughts. But if you are not happy, you have the hidden arrogance that states you had a better plan than God Whose only plan was your perfect happiness. God will back you in whatever way you choose to go. Yet so many who make mistaken choices and hide this from themselves blame God and others for their own mistakes. This month it becomes evident there are choices that either lead you forward or set you back, either to rely on your weakness or on Heaven’s strength. This is the choice between thinking you are a body or a spirit using the body as a learning vehicle.

我们来到这个世界就是去疗愈仍然还在分离,恐惧和愧疚的东西,因为我们带来爱, 光,和天真无罪去驱散批判和愧疚的黑暗。这个月, 我们可以在吝啬和慷慨之间作出选择,但只有我们的贡献能成为幸福快乐的门票。它不仅仅是花园的钥匙,而它,就是”灵性花园“。

We have come to this world to heal what remains separated, fearful and guilty as we bring love, light and innocence to dissipate the darkness of judgment and guilt. This month we have the choice between being stingy or being generous but only our giving is the ticket to being happy. It is not only the key to the garden but what is The Garden.


Be aware of health issues. They hide impacted emotions as well as hidden conflicts. There is no problem that does not conceal a grievance. There is no problem that does not conceal a self-concept. There is no problem that does not conceal the fear to go forward. If you reach a place where you feel you have reached the end of your rope, then the choice to simply go on is what takes you to a better way even to go beyond this world. You have the choice between acting in a true way or a negative one that reflects a self-concept you are holding onto that is not your Higher Self. Only the choice for truth frees you from the prison you are in that you have made. And this is where you can call on Heaven to purify your mind and your life.


What is possible this month is that you can deepen the love with your partner, your family and those around you. This brings peace, joy and appreciation for yourself and all in your life. It brings greater productivity and effectiveness into your life. As you know your innocence you see that you can bring it to others.

在七月份,如果你到达了自由的境地,你可以开始去提问关于生命的一些大问题,比如“我是谁,以及我来到这里是为了什么?”你的生命可以是一个沙漠或者是一个花园。它可以是一个攻击和自我攻击的地方,或者它可以拥有亲密关系的甜蜜开展。如果你选择错误的话, 你会因为错误而受伤。你在任何层面上的创伤,都表明了你指责了另一个人。你成为受害者是你的借口去成为或者保持“逞独立”的人,但这样的话, 你将会付出牺牲的沉重代价。结果, 你不允许你自己去领受,而你把所有时间花在了强求用你的方式行事,以及去成为一个“一切都能围绕着你“的中心人物。

In July if you reach this point of freedom you can begin to address the big questions of life such as, “Who am I and what am I here for?” Your life can be a desert or a garden. It can be a place of attack and self-attack or it can contain the sweet unfolding of intimacy. If you choose wrong you become wounded by your mistake. Any wound you have at whatever level shows your blame of another. Your being a victim is your excuse to be or stay independent but with this you pay a heavy price of sacrifice. As a result you don’t allow yourself to receive while all the time demanding your way and that you be the central figure that all revolve around.

互相扶助可以把七月份转化成一个幸福快乐,以爱和信任而活的月份。把另外一个人放在比你对你自己任何一个自我概念和特殊性还重要的位置,等同于你选择了亲密关系作为生活的一种方式。我们努力去建立一个与他人的人格具有竞争力的人格。这些人格建立于匮乏以及试图去掩盖我们恐惧的痛苦之上。他们把我们推到了输赢的跑步机上,而那是一个恶性循环。当我们放下我们负面的自我概念时,我们自然会拥有一个更好的生活。世界在展示我们对于自己被隐藏的信念。我们甚至可以放下那些对奇迹的正面信念。正面的自我概念可以是真的,或也可以是黑暗的自我概念的补偿和痛苦,而如果我们放下它们的话, 我们可以找到老天的光和喜悦。

Mutuality is what can transform July into a happy month living by love and trust. To make another more important than any self-concept or specialness you have of yourself is to choose intimacy as a way of life. We work hard to build a personality that is quite competitive with the personality of others. These personalities are built on scarcity and pain that attempt to hide our fear. They push us on the treadmill of winning and losing that is a vicious circle. When we let go of our negative self-concepts we naturally have a better life. The world shows us what we believe about ourselves but have hidden. We can even let go of positive beliefs for what is miraculous. Positive self-concepts can be true or they can be just compensations for dark self-concepts and their pain and if we let them go we find Heaven’s light and joy.

这个月,如果你允许你自己平静, 你可以感到老天召唤你去向前迈进和超越。你可以感到无法阻挡的爱的牵引召唤你回家。它是神的心在爱之中为你跳动的快乐节奏。你可以感受到神的召唤。它是爱的召唤去爱,以及把你推向“一”的浪潮。这个月可以给你的生命带来一个大的突破,无论是在世界上或灵性上的成功,又或者是两者都有的成功。七月可以是一个超越的月份,而你可以快速地往前走,如果你不被这一切包围着你的忙碌干扰你。祝拥有美好的月份,它可以给予你老天想让你拥有的一切。

This month if you allow yourself to be peaceful you can feel the call of Heaven to go forward and beyond. You can feel the inexorable pull of Love calling you home. It is a happy thrum of God’s Heart beating in Love for you. You can feel the call of God. It is the call of Love to love and the tide that is moving you toward Oneness. This month can bring one of the big breakthroughs in your life either as either success in the world or spiritually or both. July can become a month of transcendence and you can move forward very quickly if you are not distracted by all the busyness that surrounds you. Have a wonderful month, It can give to you all that Heaven wants you to have.

卡哈鲁乌, 夏威夷
恰克·史匹桑诺博士© 2022

Nightlight Newsletter
July 2022
Kahalu’u, Hawaii
Chuck Spezzano, Ph. D. © 2022

翻译:Lily Yuan
诵读:Marina Zhu

Digital Art:Edurne Andono Oses
