8-Chinese Lunar Calendar 农历

8-Chinese Lunar Calendar 农历


8. Chinese Lunar Calendar Introduction

The lunar calendar (nong li) is the traditional Chinese calendar and is often used in agriculture. According to nong li, the crescent appears on the first day of each month and full moon comes out at the middle of the month. The cycle lasts for about 30 days. 24 days mark 24 divisions of the solar year in nong li, according to the different positions of the Sun.

For example, the division 'Lichun' or 'the beginning of Spring', reminds people that Spring iscoming. 'Jingzhe' or 'the waking of insects' means that the weather is getting warmer. 'Lixia' or'the beginning of Summer' is the point when crops are blooming. 'Dahan' or 'the great cold' is theend of severe Winter. All these create a circle. Year after year people experience the mysteries ofnature with nong li.

农历是中国的传统历法,农业上使用的历书。新月是农历一个月的第一天,满月到了,就是农历的月中。这样循环一个月, 大概要 30 天。农历,又根据太阳的位置,设立了二十四节气。立春,提醒人们开始进入了春天。惊蛰时,天气渐渐暖和,小虫子都出来活动。立夏,农作物开始旺盛地生长。大寒以后,天气逐渐暖和了。至此,地球绕太阳公转了一周,完成了一个循环。一年又一年,人们根据农历观察自然,体会大自然的神秘。

