501 - 用耳朵去游学2:哈佛大学的铜像原来有三个谎言

501 - 用耳朵去游学2:哈佛大学的铜像原来有三个谎言


Source: princetonreview.com

Harvard College students describe the school as a “dynamic universe” andan “amazing irresistible hell” that pushes them to the extremes of theirintellect and ability.


Unsurprisingly, the legendarily “very difficult” school attracts some ofthe country’s most promising youth, who rise to the occasion in almost everyaspect of their life on campus, not just the classroom.


Much like the students, the professors at this “beautiful, fun, historic,and academically alive place” in Cambridge, Massachusetts, are among “thebrightest minds in the world,” and “the level of achievement is unbelievable.”


Some of the larger introductory classes are taught by teaching fellows(TFs), meaning “you do have to go to office hours to get to know your biglecture class professors on a personal level,”.

一些较大的入门课程是由助教(TFs) 教授的,这意味着“你必须在办公时间在个人层面去了解你的大课教授。”。

Top it off with Grade-A internship and employment opportunities, a goodold alumni network, and a crimson pedigree(血统、家谱) for your résumé, and you may justend up agreeing with the Harvard student who refers to his experience as“rewarding beyond anything else I’ve ever done.”


Cambridge and Boston are nothing if not college towns, and students neverlack for options if they just want to “go see a play, a concert, hit up aparty, go to the movies, or dine out.”

剑桥和波士顿是大学城,如果学生们只是想“去看戏剧、听音乐会、参加派对、看电影或出去吃饭”,他们从不缺乏选择。Students quickly learn when to hitthe books and when to hit the streets, so “studying becomes routine.”


As one student puts it, “Boredom does not exist here. There are endlessopportunities and endless passionate people to do them with.”


“Basically, if you want to do it, Harvard either has it or has the moneyto give to you so you can start it.”


Application Overview:

Applicants: 57,066

Acceptance Rate: 4%

Average HS GPA: 4.20

Interesting Facts:

-  Filmingon Harvard's campus has been banned for commercial purposes since 1970.

- Thelargest academic library in the world is Harvard Library. There are 79libraries at Harvard with 92 km of bookshelves.

-  Thethree lies of Harvard: The sculpture states that it is of John Harvard, thefounder of Harvard and that Harvard was founded in 1638.

o JohnHarvard was not the founder of the university; he was the first majorbenefactor.

o Harvardwas founded in 1636 and not 1638.

o Thesculpture isn’t of John Harvard at all, but that of some unknown student.

