入门级022-白雪公主和七个小矮人 (青少年英语故事上线)

入门级022-白雪公主和七个小矮人 (青少年英语故事上线)


SnowWhite and theSeven Dwarfs

Snow White’ s mother died when she was a little baby. Shelived happily with her father, the King, in the castle.

One day her father called her. ‘Snow White, this is PrincessBella.  She’s a very special lady and I’mgoing to marry her.’

‘That’s wonderful!’ said Snow White. ‘I’m sure we’ll all bevery happy in the castle together.’

Snow White’s new mother was very beautiful, but she wasn’tkind. She didn’t read stories to Snow White, and she never played with her.Sometimes she left her in her room, alone.

Every evening Queen Bella looked into her magic mirror andsaid, ‘Mirror, mirror, on the wall… who’s the most beautiful woman in theworld?’

‘You are,’ the mirror always replied.

Five years later Queen Bella looked into her magic mirror andsaid, ‘Mirror, mirror on the wall… who’s the most beautiful woman in the world?’

“You, dear Queen, are beautiful, it’s true, but… Snow White ismore beautiful than you!’ replied the mirror.

‘That’s impossible!’ shouted Queen Bella. ‘Snow White! Comehere immediately!’

‘Here I am!’ said Snow White.

Queen Bella looked at Snow White and… it was true! Snow Whitewas more beautiful than Queen Bella.

‘Ah! Snow White,’ said Queen Bella. ‘Tomorrow you can go for awalk in the forest with the woodcutter. You can pick some flowers for yourroom.’

‘Thank you,’ said Snow White. ‘I love walking in the forest! Ican pick some flowers for you, too.’

The next morning Queen Bella called the woodcutter.

‘You must go into the forest with Snow White,’ she said ‘andyou must kill her!’

‘Kill Snow White?’ said the woodcutter. ‘I can’t do that!’

‘You must!’ said Queen Bella.

That afternoon Snow White and woodcutter walked a long wayinto the forest. Snow White picked a beautiful bunch of wild flowers.

‘I’m tired,’ said Snow White. ‘Can we go home now?’

‘I’m sorry, Snow White. You can’t go back to the castle,’ saidthe woodcutter. ‘Queen Bella told me to kill you! I don’t want to kill you… Ofcourse I can’t kill you! I can tell her you’re dead, but you can never go backto the castle again. She hates you!’

The woodcutter went back to the castle alone.

‘Did you kill Snow White?’ asked Queen Bella.

Yes,’ said the woodcutter.

‘Good!’ said Queen Bella. ‘Now that she’s dead. I’m the mostbeautiful woman in the world again!’

Snow White was alone and sad, but she made friends with somerabbits and a deer. Then she fell asleep. Early in the morning the birds wokeher up and she saw a small cottage.

‘Come with me,’ she said to the animals. ‘Perhaps someone in the cottage knows where the castle is. I must go home and tell myfather that Queen Bella wants to kill me.’

There was no one in the garden, but the cottage door was open.Snow White went inside…

The cottage was very small and everything inside was verysmall.

‘A small table, seven small chairs, seven small beds. Perhapsseven children live here, ‘ Snow White thought.

The cottage was a mess!

The kitchen was a mess! There were dirty plates, glasses, cups,knives and forks in the sink and on the table.

The bedroom was a mess! There were dirty clothes and shoes onthe floor.

Snow White cleaned the kitchen and washed the plates, cups,glasses, knives and forks.

She made some soup for the children. Then she washed theclothes and made the beds.

Finally, the cottage was clean, but Snow White was tired. Shefell asleep on one of the beds.

The people who lived in the cottage were seven dwarfs, notchildren. They were surprised when they came home!

‘Oh’ said the happiest dwarf. ‘Magic!’

‘Don’t be silly,’ said the tallest dwarf. ‘Magic can’t clean ahouse!’

‘Fairy magic can’ said the youngest dwarf.

‘There are no fairies, and there’s no magic,’ said the oldestdwarf.

‘Then who washed the clothes and cleaned the cottage?’ askedthe shortest dwarf.

‘And who cooked the dinner?’ asked the fattest dwarf.

‘let’s look in the bedroom,’ said the thinnest dwarf.

They opened the bedroom door quietly, but Snow White woke up.

‘Oh, you’re not children!’ she said.

‘Of course we’re not children,’ said the oldest dwarf.

‘We’re dwarfs!’

‘Are you a fairy?’ asked the youngest dwarf.

Snow white told the seven dwarfs about her walk in the forest withthe woodcutter. She told them that Queen Bella wanted to kill her.

‘I must go home. I want to tell my father about Queen Bella,’said Snow White. ‘Please take me to the castle.’

‘You can’t go to the castle. The King’s not there. Everyoneknows he’s in the forest. He’s looking for you!’ said the thinnest dwarf.

‘No! Don’t go to the castle,’ said the tallest dwarf.

‘Queen Bella hates you! Stay here with us.’

‘You’re very kind – all of you,’ said Snow White.

‘Perhaps I can help in the house while I’m here?’

‘Wonderful!’ said the shortest dwarf. ‘Mmm… That soup smellsdelicious. Can we have dinner now? I’m hungry!’

The next day Queen Bella looked into her magic mirror andsaid, ‘Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who’s the most beautiful woman in theworld?’

‘You, dear Queen, are beautiful, it’s true, but… Snow White ismore beautiful than you!’

‘That’s not true. Snow White’s dead!’ shouted the Queen.

‘No… Snow White’s in the forest with the seven dwarfs,’ saidthe mirror.

‘I’m going to find her and kill her!’ shouted the Queen.

‘Mirror, mirror, on the wall,’ she said, ‘I want to be an oldlady, and I want a basket of poisoned apples.’

She put on an old dress and went to the cottage.

Snow White was in the garden. ‘Hello,’ said the old lady. ‘Wouldyou like one of my apples?’

‘Thank you.’ said Snow White.  ‘What lovely, shiny red apples!’

Snow White ate a small piece of an apple.

‘Ugh!’ she said. ‘It tastes bad.’

Snow White looked at the old lady’s face… it was Queen Bella!

‘Ha! Ha!’ the Queen laughed. ‘The apple is poisoned! You’regoing to die!’

Queen Bella ran to the castle. ‘Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who’sthe most beautiful woman in the world?’

‘You, dear Queen are beautiful, it’s true, but… Snow White ismore beautiful than you.’ replied the mirror. ‘She only ate a small piece ofthe apple… She didn’t die.’

‘No! No! No!’ shouted the Queen. She was very, very angry andthrew the mirror on the floor! CRASH! When the mirror broke… she died!

The woodcutter saw the old lady go into the castle.

He followed her… and then he saw Queen Bella break the mirrorand die!

He ran into the forest and found the King. ‘Queen Bella isdead!’ he said. ‘She wanted to kill Snow White. We must find Snow White!’

They found the cottage in the forest.

‘Snow White’s dead,’ said the youngest dwarf.

‘Oh, no! my poor, dear Snow White…’ said the King.

Snow White heard her father and sat up with a smile.

‘I’m not dead,’ she said. ‘Queen Bella gave me a poisonedapple and I fell asleep.’

‘I’m so happy that she didn’t kill you,’ said the King.

‘Yes, and so are we!’ shouted the seven dwarfs.

  • 星星鞋子


    昔日小楠 回复 @星星鞋子: 好听你就多听点😄

  • 滕思涵


  • 听友411627584


    昔日小楠 回复 @听友411627584: 思路清奇

  • 1881637jnlq


  • 每天读一点點


    昔日小楠 回复 @每天读一点點: 确实

  • 听友420203672


    昔日小楠 回复 @听友420203672: 再来一集