葡萄牙十四行诗第14首 Sonnets from the Portuguese XIV 伊丽莎白·芭蕾特·勃朗宁(Elizabeth Barrett Browning) 伊丽莎白·芭蕾特·勃朗宁,又称勃朗宁夫人,英国维多利亚时代最受人尊敬的诗人之一。15岁时,她不幸骑马跌损了脊椎。从此,下肢瘫痪达 24 年。在她 39 岁那年,结识了诗人罗伯特·勃朗宁,从此开始了他们的爱情之旅。
If thou must love me, let it be for nought' Except for love's sake only. Do not say 'I love her for her smile-her look-her way Of speaking gently, -for a trick of thought That falls in well with mine, and certes brought A sense of pleasant ease on such a day'- For these things in themselves, Beloved, may Be changed, or change for thee, -and love, so wrought, May be unwrought so. Neither love me for Thine own dear pity's wiping my cheeks dry,- A creature might forget to weep, who bore Thy comfort long, and lose thy love thereby! But love me for love's sake, that evermore Thou mayst love on, through love's eternity.