入门级002- 龟兔赛跑 The Hare and the Tortoise

入门级002- 龟兔赛跑 The Hare and the Tortoise


The Hare and the Tortoise

One day the hare is talking to his friends. 'I'm a very goodrunner,' he says. 'I can run very fast. I can run faster than all the animalsin the forest.'

'Really?' says his friend, the rabbit.

'Of course,' says the hare. In the forest there are rabbits,foxes, deer, badgers, beavers, mice, hedgehogs, snails and insects. And they'reall slower than me! I'm the fastest animal in the forest!’

'Don't forget me,' says the tortoise.

'You!' says the hare. 'You can't run! You're the slowestanimal in the forest! You're slower than a snail!'

'If you want, we can have a race,' says the tortoise.

'What! You and I have a race?' says the hare.

'Yes, you and I,' says the tortoise.

'OK,’ says the hare, 'We can have a race at three o'clock thisafternoon!'

All the animals are very excited.

'You must come and see the race,' say the badgers to thebeavers.

'You must come and see the race,' say the mice to the foxes.

'You must come and see the race,' say the snails to theinsects.

'Everyone must come and see the race!' say the hedgehogs.

It's three o'clock. It's time for the race!

'One, two, three... GO!' says the badger.

The hare runs ahead very quickly. The other animals can't seehim. He's in the forest! The tortoise walks, slowly but surely. The hare can'tsee the tortoise.

'He's so slow! I can stop and wait for him,' says the hare.The hare sits down under a big tree and waits for the tortoise. And... he goesto sleep!

The tortoise walks, slowly but surely. He passes the sleepinghare.

The hare sleeps and sleeps. The tortoise walks and walks. Soonhe can see the finishing line! 'Look! Here comes the tortoise!' say theanimals. The hare wakes up, but it's too late! The tortoise is the winner!

'Well done! Well done!' shout all the animals. The tortoise isthe winner! Well done!'

'Yes,' says the tortoise. 'Slowly but surely — that's how towin a race!'

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    昔日小楠 回复 @听友443055635: 感谢支持

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    昔日小楠 回复 @听友397481700: 😯😯

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  • 千秋雨荷

  • 千秋雨荷

  • 听友286962083


    昔日小楠 回复 @听友286962083: 三条赛跑轨迹,还有一个是你吧😄