Hello, everyone!
How was your weekend?
Shall we introduce ourselves?
Let me take attendance.
It's time to call the roll.
Did anyone forget to bring their books?
Where did we stop last time?
Okay, let's turn to page 10.
What do we call it in English?
Anyone who knows the answer, please raise your
So who wants to share his /her opinion?
Who wants to go first?
Repeat after me.
Listen carefully.
Is everything clear?
Did you guys understand everything?
What do you think?
Did you do your homework?
Please submit your homework by Friday.
Please pass around the worksheets.
Will you pass out the handouts to everyone?
Please pass this along to the next person.
Please take one and pass the rest back.
Let's play a game.
Group yourselves into 4./Make groups of
So, whose turn is it now?
Okay, this is it for today's lesson.
Let's stop here for today.
See you next time。
Please speak in English.
I forgot to bring the book.
I haven't finished my homework yet.
I can't see it clearly.
I have a question.
Sir/madam, I need your help.
Me, me! I want to go first.
This is too difficult /easy.
I can't come to school on Monday./I have to miss
school on Monday.
Can I go to the bathroom?
Can I speak in Chinese?
How do I say this?
I don't know what this is.
Can I get a sticker?
声音可以哦 棒棒哒 互关一下呗