作者:保蕾 | 朗读:Elaine葉
公众号:纽约课 | 官网:www.nykbj.com
51、show promise in… 在...方面显示出很有前途
*The scholarship is offered to those who show great promise in their respective fields.奖学金是提供给那些在自己的领域方面显示出很有前途的人。
52、juggle … and … 同时做
*In today’s society, people have to juggle their family duties and career commitments and spread themselves too thin in the process. 当今社会,人们必须同时兼顾家庭和事业责任,并且在这个过程中心力交瘁。
53、spread oneself too thin 心力交瘁,同时做太多事情结果一样都没做好
*I told you not to get too much on your plate. You’ll end up spreading yourself too thin, which would put you in a tough spot. 我跟你说过别安排太多任务。不然你最终会让自己心力交瘁以致陷入困境。
54、draw on 吸取,借鉴,利用
*In every discipline, creativity also draws on skill, knowledge and control. 在每个学科中,创新同样要利用技术、知识和管理力。
*The benefit of learning history is that people can draw on experience from the past. 学历史的好处是人们可以吸取过去的经验教训。
55、make the best use of 充分利用 = make the most of
*If we are to survive and thrive, we have to think differently about our own abilities and make the best use of them. 如果我们想茁壮成长,我们需要从不同角度思考我们的能力并且充分利用。
56、be caught up in 卷入,陷入,沉浸在
*As long as you are alive and on earth, you are caught up in a global revolution. 当你活在地球上,你就被卷入了全球革命。
*We usually get caught up in the traffic jam during rush hour. 在上下班高峰期时我们经常被困于堵车。
57、put a strain on… 对…形成/施加压力
*Technological innovation and population growth are putting a vast strain on the Earth’s natural resources. 科技创新和人口增长对地球生态资源施加了巨大压力。
58、a thing of the past 已成往事,昨日黄花
*Everyone will need to adjust to a world where secure lifelong employment in a single job is a thing of the past. 每个人都将要适应新的世界,一辈子安稳的做着同一工作已是昨日黄花。
59、open up job prospects 打开职业前景
*Work preparation can offer students a competitive edge and open up job prospects. 职业规划准备提供学生们竞争优势并且打开职业前景。
60、bump up against 碰到(困难)
*The ability to rise above setbacks you bump up against can give you an edge in the workplace. 克服你遇到的困难的能力能够在工作上给你一大优势。〖修饰成分在后置定语从句中担任宾语的话that可省略,更符合native speaker 表达习惯〗
纽约课 保蕾 语料 托福写作 独立写作