37 Agendas 会议议程

37 Agendas 会议议程


Dialogue 1 
A: Please let me see the draft of what you have put together on Monday’s meeting.
B: I’m still working on the agenda. There will be a lot to go over on Monday. Here is what I’ve got so far.
A: Do you think we will spend more than twenty minutes in the opening? I think it should be pretty simple. 
B: It shouldn’t take too long. But there will be a lot dignitaries at the meeting. In the opening exercises it is protocol to spend a little time to recognize them. I reckon it should take about half an hour before we can even got to the minutes.
A: Really? Well, at least the minutes shouldn’t take too long too review. There shouldn’t be a lot of active business left over from last meeting.
B: True. After review and acceptance of the minutes, we have several committee reports. Old business shouldn’t take up too much time, but sometimes the committee delegates can be a little verbose. Is there a way we can limite their time?
A: We can set a 5 minute report time with a 3 minute question and answer afterward.
B: That’s no good. Q and A’s always stretch out the time because people usually get stuck on some irrelevant point. We’ll loose control of the meeting if we open it up to question too early.
A: True. Well, impose an eight-minute limit on the committee reports then, we’ll save Q and A until eight before closed session.
B: Sounds good. Overall, we can probably keep the meeting under tow hours.
B: Let’s hope.

A: 请让我看看你在星期一的会议上草拟的内容。
B: 我还在制定议程。星期一有很多事情要做。这是我目前完成的情况。
A: 你认为我们会在开幕式上花20多分钟吗?我觉得应该非常简短。
B: 应该不会花太长时间。但是会有很多政要出席会议。在开场练习中,花一点时间来认识他们是一种礼节。我想我们大概需要半个小时才能进入会议记录的环节。
A: 真的吗?嗯,至少不要花太长时间评议会议记录上。上次会议之后应该没有留下太多的后续工作。
B: 是的。在审阅并接受会议记录后,我们收到了几份委员会报告。遗留问题不应该占用太多时间,但有时委员会代表可能会有点啰嗦。我们有没有办法限制他们的时间?
A: 我们可以设定一个5分钟的报告时间,并在3分钟后进行问答。
B: 那不好。问与答总是延长时间,因为人们通常会在一些不相关的问题上陷入困境。如果我们过早地提出问题,就会失去对会议的控制。
A: 是的。那么,对委员会的报告规定八分钟的限制,我们将把Q和A保留到闭门会议前八分钟。
B: 听起来不错。总的来说,我们可以把会议控制在两个小时以内。
A: 希望如此。

Dialogue 2

A: Who will motion to approve the minutes from last meeting?

B: I motion. She seconds.

A: All in favor? Good, what’s next on a agenda? We have some new business. Tracy, can you introduce Item B on an agenda for us? 

B: Yes, but we should probably follow the agenda in order, shouldn’t we? Item A is still pending. We should report and approve old business before new business.

A: Oh, yes. I somehow managed to overlook item A. Well then, can you report to us about your project under item A.

B: The agenda is a litter backward today. I would prefect that Tracy introduce her project first, then what I have to say might make more sense. Technically our projects are both new business. The only items of old business we have the minutes, which have already been approved.

A: Oh, is that right? Well, let’s re-arranges the agenda then. We can motion item A to the end of new business section. It will follow reports on items B thru D. Any objections?

B: Can we have item A directly follow item B?

A: Fine, any objections? No? If there are no objections, then our modifications to the agenda have been approved unanimously. We will proceed according to the amendments we’ve just made.

A: 谁将动议批准上次会议的记录?

B: 我提出动议。她等了几秒钟。

A: 都赞成吗?好的,下一个议程是什么?我们有一些新业务。特蕾西,你能给我们介绍一下议程上的B项吗?

B: 是的,但我们可能应该按议程顺序进行,不是吗?项目A仍在等待处理。我们应该先报告和批准旧业务,然后再批准新业务。

A: 哦,是的。我不知何故忽略了A项。那么,你能向我们报告你在A项下的项目吗。

B: 今天的议程有点落后。我希望特蕾西先介绍她的项目,然后我要说的可能更有意义。从技术上讲,我们的项目都是新业务。我们仅有的旧业务项目是会议记录,这些会议记录已经获得批准。

A: 哦,是这样吗?那么,让我们重新安排议程吧。我们可以将项目A移至新业务部分的末尾。它将跟踪关于项目B到D的报告。是否有异议?

B: 我们可以让A项直接跟在B项后面吗?

A: 好吧,有反对意见吗?不如果没有人反对,那么我们对议程的修改已获得一致通过。我们将按照刚才所作的修正继续进行。

