



breech--n.The buttocks.

brethren--n.pl. Members of a brotherhood, gild, profession, association, or the like.

brevity--n.Shortness of duration.

bric-a-brac--n.Objects of curiosity or for decoration.

bridle--n.The head-harness of a horse consisting of a head-stall, a bit, and the reins.

brigade--n.A body of troops consisting of two or more regiments.

brigadier--n.General officer who commands a brigade, ranking between a colonel and a major-general.

brigand--n.One who lives by robbery and plunder.


brine--n.Water saturated with salt.

bristle--n.One of the coarse, stiff hairs of swine: used in brush-making, etc.

Britannia--n.The United Kingdom of Great Britain.

Briticism--n.A word, idiom, or phrase characteristic of Great Britain or the British.


broach--v.To mention, for the first time.

broadcast--adj.Disseminated far and wide.

brogan--n.A coarse, heavy shoe.

brogue--n.Any dialectic pronunciation of English, especially that of the Irish people.

brokerage--n.The business of making sales and purchases for a commission; a broker.

bromine--n.A dark reddish-brown, non-metallic liquid element with a suffocating odor.

bronchitis--n.Inflammation of the bronchial tubes.

bronchus--n.Either of the two subdivisions of the trachea conveying air into the lungs.

brooch--n.An article of jewelry fastened by a hinged pin and hook on the underside.

brotherhood--n.Spiritual or social fellowship or solidarity.

browbeat--v.  To overwhelm, or attempt to do so, by stern,haughty, or rude address or manner.

brusque--adj.Somewhat rough or rude in manner or speech.

buffoon--n.A clown.

buffoonery--n.Low drollery, coarse jokes, etc.

bulbous--adj.Of, or pertaining to, or like a bulb.

bullock--n.An ox.

bulrush--n.Any one of various tall rush-like plants growing in damp ground or water.

bulwark--n.Anything that gives security or defense.

bumper--n.A cup or glass filled to the brim, especially one to be drunk as a toast orhealth.

bumptious--adj.Full of offensive and aggressive self-conceit.

bungle--v.To execute clumsily.


