




anode--n.The point where or path by which a voltaic current enters an electrolyte or thelike.

anonymous--adj.Of unknown authorship.

antagonism--n.Mutual opposition or resistance of counteracting forces, principles, or persons.

Antarctic--adj.Pertaining to the south pole or the regions near it.

ante--v.In the game of poker, to put up a stake before the cards are dealt.

antecede--v.To precede.

antecedent--n.One who or that which precedes or goes before, as in time, place, rank, order,or causality.

antechamber--n.A waiting room for those who seek audience.

antedate--v.To assign or affix a date to earlier than the actual one.

antediluvian--adj.Of or pertaining to the times, things, events before the great flood in the daysof Noah.

antemeridian--adj.Before noon.

antemundane--adj.Pertaining to time before the world's creation.

antenatal--adj.Occurring or existing before birth.


anteroom--n.A room situated before and opening into another, usually larger.

anthology--n.A collection of extracts from the writings of various authors.

anthracite--n.Hard coal.

anthropology--n.The science of man in general.

anthropomorphous--adj.Having or resembling human form.

antic--n.A grotesque, ludicrous, or fantastic action.

Antichrist--n.Any opponent or enemy of Christ, whether a person or a power.

anticlimax--n.A  gradual or sudden decrease in theimportance or impressiveness of what is said.

anticyclone--n.An  atmospheric condition of high centralpressure, with currents flowing outward.

antidote--n.Anything that will counteract or remove the effects of poison, disease, or the like.

antilogy--n.Inconsistency or contradiction in terms or ideas.

antipathize--v.To show or feel a feeling of antagonism, aversion, or dislike.

antiphon--n.A response or alteration of responses, generally musical.

antiphony--n.An anthem or other composition sung responsively.

antipodes--n.A place or region on the opposite side of the earth.

antiquary--n.  One who collects and examines old things, ascoins, books, medals, weapons, etc.

antiquate--v.To make old or out of date.

antique--adj.Pertaining to ancient times.

