Ep.29: A One-Way Ticket Home - Catching Up with Jiakai Lou

Ep.29: A One-Way Ticket Home - Catching Up with Jiakai Lou


你可能已经听说过,或者看过 腾讯视频 的最新 纪录片系列 《一次远行》。《一次远行》记录了五名 中国留学生在疫情期间,人在他乡求学生活的故事。纪录片的最后一集的主角是火花电台播客采访过的前嘉宾——自由纪录片摄影人楼佳凯。当我们第一次采访佳凯的时候,他人还在美国蒙大拿州的米苏拉。那时的他在人生岔路口徘徊,面临着到底回国,还是继续留在美国工作生活的艰难抉择。如果你看了那集纪录片,那么你一定已经知道了佳凯的选择。《一次远行》的最后镜头定格在了他登机的那一瞬间。但是飞机降落后,发生了什么?在一张单程票的行程结束后,佳凯再次和火花电台隔空重逢。这回,我们用中英双语,畅谈了佳凯在离家多年后,终于回到梦开始的地方的种种经历和感受。

You may have seen the recent Tencent Documentary Series, Bon Voyage, that follows five Chinese students living abroad during the pandemic. In the last episode, they follow past Spark guest, Jiakai Lou. When we first talked with Jiakai, he was in Missoula, Montana at the height of the pandemic sitting at a crossroad: To stay in the U.S. or to go. If you’ve seen the documentary, you know that Jiakai ultimately made the decision to go home. His episode closes with him boarding his plane. But what happened after that? Jiakai came back to the Spark to share what life has been like after his plane landed in this two-part conversation (in both English and Mandarin) that you won’t want to miss.

  • DeclanCHN

    对JK关于mule packing的电影非常期待。

    AmyTianyiZhao 回复 @DeclanCHN: 谢谢!我们今天即将出版中文单集,敬请期待哟(而且最新进展是,JK已经找到他的中国Mule Packer啦!)

  • 希豪MQ


    AmyTianyiZhao 回复 @希豪MQ: 我们和他最新一集的中文采访马上就发布了!咱们可以期待一下哟