76.High School English Reading Listening

76.High School English Reading Listening


One silly question I simply can't stand is "How do you feel".Usually the question is asked of a man in action—a man on the go walking along the street or busily working at his desk. So what do you expect him to say? He'll probably say "Fine.I'm all right." But you've put a bug in his ear maybe now he's not sure. If you are a good friend,you may have seen something in his face,or his walk that he did not realize that morning. It starts him worrying a little. First thing you know he looks in a mirror to see if everything is all fight,while you go merrily on your way asking someone else. "How do you feel?" Every question has its time and place It's perfectly acceptable,for instance,to ask "How do you feel if you're visiting a close friend in the hospital. But if the fellow is walking on both legs, hurrying to make a train,or sitting at his desk working,it's no time to ask him that silly question. When George Bernard Shaw,the famous writer of plays was in his eighties,someone asked him "How doyou feel". Shaw put him in his place. "When you reach my age", he said. "either you feel all right or you're dead"
有一个愚蠢的问题我根本无法忍受,那就是 "你感觉如何"。通常这个问题是问一个正在行动的人--一个在街上行走或在办公桌前忙碌的人。那么你希望他怎么说?他可能会说 "很好,我很好"。但你在他耳边放了一个窃听器,也许现在他不确定了。如果你是一个好朋友,你可能在他的脸上看到了一些东西,或者他的走路方式,而他那天早上并没有意识到。这让他开始有点担心了。你知道的第一件事就是他照镜子看是否一切正常,而你却兴高采烈地去问别人。"你感觉如何?" 每个问题都有它的时间和地点。例如,如果你去医院看望一个亲密的朋友,问 "你感觉如何 "是完全可以接受的。但如果这个人正用两条腿走路,急着赶火车,或坐在办公桌前工作,就没有时间问他这个愚蠢的问题了。当著名剧作家萧伯纳80多岁时,有人问他 "你感觉如何"。萧伯纳把他放在自己的位置上。他说:"当你到了我这个年龄"。"要么你感觉很好,要么你已经死了"
in action 在积极活动中,在活动;参加;在运行,在运转中;在起作用
on the go 忙个没完 ; 十分活跃
along the street 沿街
So what 那又怎么样,你管的着吗 ; 那又怎样 ; 那又怎么样
all right 好吧 ; 如何,是不是 ; 好,行,可以 ; 不要紧,没什么 ; 哎 ; 可接受 ; 满意 ; 安全健康 ; 平安无恙 ; 尚可 ; 还算可以 ; 可允许 ; 无疑,确实
did not 没有 ; 未 ; 的缩写
a little 一点
First thing 第一件事;一大早
you know 你知道 ; 你知道的 ; 你知道吗
someone else 别人

