Goodevening to our viewers in the West. It is great to have you with us tonight aswe remember Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, and honor his legacy. We’re going tohear more from him from the CBS News Archives, but first, there are a number ofmajor news stories that we are covering on this Monday night. While many of youare still dealing with that powerful winter storm, we want to begin with newinformation about that horrifying hostage situation at a Texas synagogue.Tonight, the FBI is calling what happened a terror-related anti-Semitic attack.The man held four people captive was a British national, and police in the UKhad detained his two teenage sons because they spoke with their father on thevery day of the incident. Also breaking tonight, CBS News has learned theDepartment of Homeland Security is sending a memo to local law enforcementwarning that faith-based communities will likely be the target of futureviolence.