一念永恒 - A Will Eternal
第一章 他叫白小纯 Chapter 1 I’m Bai Xiaochun
Mount Hood lay in the Eastwood Mountain Range, and at its base was a quaint little village. The villagers there lived off the land, and didn’t have much to do with the outside world.
hood noun/hʊd/风帽,兜帽(外衣的一部分,可拉起蒙住头颈)
live off the land 以农产品为生; 自给自足; 靠山吃山
Currently it was dawn, and the villagers were congregated at the village gate to see off a young man of fifteen or sixteen years of age. He seemed thin and weak, but had a healthy, fair complexion, and an overall charming appearance. He wore an ordinary green robe that had apparently been washed so many times it was nearly worn through. Something about the way he was dressed, plus the innocent look in his eyes, made him seem exceptionally quick-witted.
dawn noun /dɔːn/黎明
congregate verb/ˈkɒŋɡrɪɡeɪt/群集;聚集;集合
see sb↔off 为…送行;送别
complexion noun/kəmˈplekʃn/面色;肤色;气色
robe noun/rəʊb/袍服
quick-witted adjective/ˌkwɪk ˈwɪtɪd/聪颖的;机敏的;机智的
His name was Bai Xiaochun.
“Dear elders and fellow villagers,” he said, “I am on my way to learn about immortal cultivation. I shall miss all of you!” The young man wore a slightly pained expression, as if he couldn’t bear to part with his fellow villagers. This made him look even more charming than before.
elder adjective/ˈeldə(r)/长者;长辈;元老
cultivation noun/ˌkʌltɪˈveɪʃn/(品质或技巧的)培养
immortal adjective/ɪˈmɔːtl/长生的;永世的;不朽的
The surrounding villagers exchanged glances, shrugged helplessly, and then pretended to look even more reluctant to see him leave.
immortal noun/ɪˈmɔːtl/神;永生不灭者
surrounding adjective /səˈraʊndɪŋ/周围的;附近的
glance verb /ɡlɑːns/瞥一眼;匆匆一看;扫视
reluctant adjective /rɪˈlʌktənt/不情愿的;勉强的
“小纯,你爹娘走的早,你是个……好孩子!!难道你不想长生了么,成为仙人就可以长生,能活的很久很久,走吧,雏鹰长大,总有飞出去的那一天。”人群内走出一个头发花白的老者,说道好孩子三个字时,他顿了一下。 “在外面遇到任何事情,都要坚持下去,走出村子,就不要回来,因为你的路在前方!”老人神色慈祥,拍了拍少年的肩膀。
A white-haired old man stepped out of the crowd and said, “Xiaochun, ever since your dad and mom left us, oh so long ago, you... you have been, er--” he paused for a moment “--such a good kid!!” Seeing that Bai Xiaochun hadn’t left yet, he continued, “Don’t tell me you’re not interested in living forever? All you have to do is become an immortal, and then you can live forever! That’s a really, really long time! Well, it’s time for you to leave now. Even a baby eagle must learn to fly eventually. No matter what situations you run into out there, you have to hang in there and keep moving forward. Once you leave the village, you can't come back, because your path will always lie ahead, not behind!”
The old man patted Bai Xiaochun kindly on the shoulder.
white-haired (老者)白发苍苍的
pat verb/pæt/ 轻拍
“Live forever....” Bai Xiaochun murmured. A tremor ran through him, and a look of determination slowly filled his eyes. Under the encouraging gazes of the old man and the other villagers, he nodded his head seriously and looked around at everyone one last time. Finally, he turned and walked away from the village.
tremor noun/ˈtremə(r)/轻微地震;小震;微震
determination noun /dɪˌtɜːmɪˈneɪʃn/决心;坚毅;坚定
gaze verb /ɡeɪz/凝视;注视;盯着
As he disappeared off into the distance, the villagers started to look more and more excited. Their forlorn expressions turned to those of joy, and the kind-faced old man began to tremble. Tears even streamed down his face.
forlorn adjective/fəˈlɔːn/孤苦伶仃的;孤独凄凉的
tremble verb/ˈtrembl/(因紧张、激动、惊慌等)颤抖,哆嗦,抖动,战栗
stream verb/striːm/流;流动;流出
“Justice from Heaven! The weasel… is finally gone! Who was it that told him they saw an Immortal in the area? Whoever it was, I’m going to give you a huge reward on behalf of the village!”
“The weasel is gone,” someone said, “but oh, my poor chickens. He hated the roosters crowing at dawn, so he somehow got all the kids in the village to eat every chicken we had....”
weasel noun/ˈwiːzl/鼬;黄鼠狼
rooster noun/ˈruːstə(r)/公鸡;雄鸡
The village was soon echoing with cries of rejoicing. Some people even took out gongs and drums and began banging them excitedly. “Today is the beginning of a new era!”
echo verb /ˈekəʊ/回响;回荡
rejoicing noun/rɪˈdʒɔɪsɪŋ/喜庆;欢庆
gong noun/ɡɒŋ/锣
drum noun /drʌm/鼓
bang verb/bæŋ/猛敲
Stop sb in their tracks 突然止步
accompany verb /əˈkʌmpəni/伴随;与…同时发生
faint adjective/feɪnt/(光、声、味)微弱的,不清楚的