


Telecom network fraud has become a mainstream crime in recent years. Fraud gangs use tailored scripts based on collected personal information to target different groups, covering areas such as fake investment and financial management, fake online loans and fake customer service.近年来,电信诈骗已经成为了一种主流犯罪形式。诈骗团伙根据收集到的个人信息,为不同的目标群体量身定制诈骗方案。涉及了虚假投资理财、虚假网络贷款和虚假客户服务等领域。

Pig-Butchering scam, also known as romance scam, is an online fraud where the scammers win the trust of victims through a romantic relationship before tricking them into gambling or finance traps to defraud them of money. It is named the Pig-Butchering scam because, different from other scams, this one takes a longer time and is likened to fattening pigs before slaughtering them.“杀猪盘”是一种网络诈骗方式;指诈骗分子在以恋爱交友为手段获取被害人信任后,伺机将其拉入博彩理财等骗局,骗取受害人钱财。不同于其他骗局的“短、平、快”,杀猪盘最大的特点是放长线,这个过程犹如把猪养肥后再宰杀,因此得名。

In a bird-killing scam, scammers promise part-time work, usually a click-farm job. In the beginning, people are paid for putting in orders and getting reimbursed. Once the trust is earned, however, victims are asked to put up their own money to place orders with the promise of reimbursement and higher payment. It is then that the scammer disappears with the money, and are never heard from again.

Click farming is a business activity in which shop owners pay people to pretend to be customers and write good reviews in order to improve the ranking and sales of online stores. Click farming has become a new type of fraud.刷单是一个电商衍生词,指店家付款请人假扮顾客,用以假乱真的购物方式提高网店的排名和销量以吸引顾客。如今刷单已经成为诈骗常用手段。

Not getting what you paid for is a common scam targeting online shoppers. A fraudster will sell a product and send a faulty or inferior quality item. They may also pretend to sell a product just to gather your credit card or bank account details. 花钱买不到想要的东西,这是网购客户常遇到的诈骗手段。骗子会出售劣质商品或假货,他们也可能通过售卖商品来收集你的信用卡或银行卡信息。

The main characteristic of a pyramid scheme is that participants only make money by recruiting more members. You will likely be pushed by the distributor who recruited you to convince others to buy in and become the distributors.传销的主要特点是参与者唯一盈利方式就是拉更多的人进入传销运作。将你拉入伙的传销员会逼迫你去说服他人入伙,成为新的传销员。

