1. so much for sth 到此为止
除了Rachel以外,所有的朋友都可以开Monica的保时捷车。虽然Monica告诉大家不要告诉Rachel,结果还是都说漏嘴了。所以Monica宣告计划告终so much for "You can drive it, but don’t tell Rachel" plan!
so much for sth 意思是某事到此为止,告终。Monica宣告计划告终so much for the plan.
比如,英语老师上完课说:so much for this today,everyone! 意思为:今天就到这里吧,各位!
Joey: (entering) Hey!
Ross: Hey!
Phoebe: Hey!
Joey: Saw the Porsche out there Mon, lookin’ good. When do I get to take that baby out again?
Rachel: (shocked) You let Joey drive it?!
Phoebe: I’ve never driven it! Okay? Not once! Okay once. Okay, I drive it all the time.
Monica: Nice work everybody! So much for the y’know, "You can drive it, but don’t tell Rachel" plan!
2. add up to 总起来意味着
Add up to 两个含义,一个是总数加起来
例句:His business expenses add up to around £4,000 a year.
另一个几个因素加起来达到某种效果或影响。to combine to produce a particular result or effect
这里Ross说That adds up to a bad driver.这意味着你是个糟糕的司机
Rachel: Come on Ross give me the keys! Monica does not know what she’s talking about! I am an excellent driver!
Ross: You’re fast and irresponsible. That adds up to a bad driver.
Rachel: Well in High School, that added up to head cheerleader.
3. RSVP (邀请函)请答复
Monica 说仍没有得到Chanlder父亲对于婚礼邀请的RSVP.这个缩写的意思是“请回复”就是对于邀请函的正式确认。缩写来源于法语Répondez s'il vous plait。接到邀请(无论是请柬或邀请信)后,能否出席要尽早答复对方,以便主人安排。一般来说,对注有R.S.V.P.(请答复)字样的,无论出席与否,均应迅速答复。注有“Regrets only”(不能出席请复)字样的,则不能出席时才回复,但也应及时回复。经口头约妥再发来的请柬,上面一般那注有“To remind”(备忘)字样,只起提醒作用,可不必答复。答复对方,可打电话或复以便函。
4. drag show 变装秀
Chandler的父亲表演Drag show。
Drag show 就是变装秀,男性表演者穿上女性的服装表演,这样的演员叫Drag queen
Monica: Chandler, we still haven’t gotten an RSVP from your dad.
Chandler: Oh! Right. Umm, maybe that’s because I didn’t send him an invitation.
Monica: Chandler! He’s your father; he should be at the wedding.
Chandler: I don’t even know the man. Okay? We’re not that close. I haven’t seen him in years.
Monica: Well what are you gonna do when he finds out he wasn’t even asked?!
Chandler: Well he doesn’t have to know! It’s not like we run in the same circles. I hang out with you guys, and he stars in a drag show in Vegas.
Phoebe: Ooh, I think I wanna trade circles.
5. Speedo 速比涛
Chandler说小时候的男扮女装的父亲去参加他的swim meet就是游泳比赛时的尴尬经历,提到了Speedo.
是著名泳衣制造品牌中文叫做“速比涛”。速比涛 (Speedo) 来自澳大利亚,创立于1928年。
Chandler: Look forget it okay? I don’t want to go. I don’t want to see him. I don’t wanna.
Monica: Chandler, look I-I know that your dad embarrassed you. I know…
Chandler: No-no all kids are embarrassed by their parents, you’d have to come up with a whole new word for what I went through. When I was in High School, he used to come to all of my swim meets dressed as a different Hollywood starlet. Y’know it’s hard enough to be fourteen. You’re skinny. You’re wearing speedos—That your mom promised that you would grow into! And you look up into the stands and there’s your dad cheering you on dressed as Carmen Miranda. He was wearing a headdress with real fruit that he will later hand out to your friends as a healthy snack!