【讲解版】未曾清贫难做人,不经打击永天真 | 英文早餐E0330(口语拓展+名言精析)

【讲解版】未曾清贫难做人,不经打击永天真 | 英文早餐E0330(口语拓展+名言精析)


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180天,升级英语,升级自己[太阳]详细课程咨询可以添加老师:wsedu04 或保存下图扫码

  • 蓝风筝_Blukite

    Don't worry, I will go there, rain or shine. Your hands are so rough. How such a rough your hands are! In my opinion,you have taken a shine to her.

  • 默笙love

    your hands are very rough

  • 雅高冷贵

    1、Don't worry, I will go there, rain or shine. 2、How rough your hands get! 3、In my eye, you really took a shine to her.

  • thatch

    1.Don't worry, I will go, rain or shine. 2.How rough your hands are! 3. In my view, you just took a shine to her.

  • 听友199148042

    Don't worry,rain or shine,I will go. How are rough your hands ! In my view,you took a shine to her.

  • 图图922

    Don't worry, I will go rain or shine.