【英文听力原声】夏洛克福尔摩斯:四签名 Chapter 2 第二章

【英文听力原声】夏洛克福尔摩斯:四签名 Chapter 2 第二章


Day 2

'What was the date of his disappearance?' asked Holmes.

'The 3rd of December 1878,' she replied. 'Ten years ago.'

'And his luggage?' Holmes continued.

'It stayed at his hotel. I searched his suitcases but found only clothes and books and some souvenirs from the Andaman Islands in the Bay of Bengal. My father worked as an officer at the British prison there for some years before he retired.'

Holmes thought for a moment.

'Did your father have any friends in London?' he asked.

'Only one: Major Sholto, who was an officer with my father in India. He had retired six months before my father and was living in Norwood. I wrote to him, but he wrote back to say that he didn't even know my father was in England.'

'Very strange,' said Holmes.

'There is more,'  Miss Morstan went on. 'Six years ago I saw an advertisement in The Times. It asked for my address and informed me that there was good news. There was no name or address. At that time I had just started working for Mrs Forrester's family, as a governess. I replied to the advertisement, and that same day I received a small box in the post. In it, I found a very large pearl. There was no message. Since then, every year on the same day I have received a pearl in the post. They are worth a lot of money, Mr Holmes. And they're also very beautiful.'

As she spoke, she took a flat box from her bag, opened it and showed us six beautiful pearls.

'I find your story strangely exciting,' said Holmes. 'Do you have anything else to tell us, Miss Morstan?'

'One more thing,' she replied. 'This morning I received this letter. Perhaps you would like to read it.'

'Yes,' said Holmes. 'And can I see the envelope, please?' He studied the envelope carefully. 'This was posted in London, on 7 July – yesterday. There's a man's fingerprint on the envelope, probably the postman's. The paper and envelope are expensive, but there's no address, of course.'

He then went on to read the letter aloud: '"Come to the Lyceum Theatre this evening at seven o'clock and wait outside the front door. You can bring two friends, but you must not bring the police. I have good news for you. Your unknown friend." What a mystery! So what's your plan, Miss Morstan?'

'I don't know,' she replied. 'That's why I have come to you, Mr Holmes. Please tell me what I should do.'

'You must go to the Lyceum this evening,' said Holmes. 'Dr Watson and I will come with you, won't we, Watson?'

'Of course,' I answered. 'If you think that could be helpful.'

'Thank you both so much,' said Miss Morstan. 'You're very kind. My life in Norwood is quiet and I have no friends. Shall I come here at six o'clock this evening?'

'Yes,' Holmes replied. 'But I have one more question for you, Miss Morstan. Is the writing in the letter the same as the writing of the addresses on the pearl boxes?'

'Yes,' said Miss Morstan, taking some papers from her bag.

'Excellent!' cried Holmes. 'Let me see.'

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