Expressions to Help You Stay H

Expressions to Help You Stay H

Expressions to Help You Stay Healthy

Today we talk about expressions that remind us to be healthy and have a healthy lifestyle.

Benjamin Franklin often gets credit for some very famous healthy lifestyle sayings. Here is one about planning your day: "The early bird gets the worm."

Of course, we're not talking about an actual worm. It means the person who gets up early before anyone else will be more prepared for the day and, therefore, more prepared for success.

That is why he also reportedly said, "Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise."

But what if you're a night owl and do your best work at night? Waking up really early would not be a good idea.

We all need good sleep to be healthy. We also need to eat well.

We have some expressions that remind us to eat healthily. Here is one: "An apple a day keeps the doctor away."

It sounds like a very specific saying –if you eat more apples, you will be healthier. But sometimes we use this expression as a simple reminder to eat healthy –and not just apples.

After all, "You are what you eat." This saying also reminds us to eat healthily. And sometimes it is used to criticize someone's poor food choice.

Some young people may look like a picture of health. But if you eat too much junk food, or smoke, or drink a lot of alcohol when you're young --you might get sick easier.

Getting enough sleep, exercising, and eating healthy food all increase your chances of getting healthy.





