I felt happy again

I felt happy again

Since that day, I've been working to learn to speak again. one word at a time.Regaining my cognitive faculties and my speech was so demanding,and the progress was so discouragingly slow,that it absorbed nearly all of my time and energy.For the first time in my life,I became focused on myself and on my problems.It was a numbing,downward spiral-and for the first time in my life I truly felt despair.The more I focused on my problems,the less energy I had to get better.
I recognized that I had come to a fork in the road.I could try to hide my problems,retreat from the world,and focus on myself.Or I could change paths.I resolved that I needed to refocus on expending as much of my cognitive and physical capacity as possible on what I knew to be my purpose.And as I did that- focusing on resolving others' challenges rather than my own— the despair fled,and I felt happy again.
