


The baby owls thought,(all owls think a lot)-

“I think she’s gone hunting,”Said Sarah.

“To get us our food!”Said Percy.

“I want my mommy!”Said Bill

But their Owl Mother didn’(t) come.

The baby owls came out of their house /and they sat on the tree and waited.

A big branch for Sarah,

A small branch for Percy,and an old piece of ivy/ for Bill.

"She'll be back," said Sarah.

"Back soon!" said Percy.

"I want my mummy!" said Bill.

It was dark in the wood /and they have to be brave,for things moved all around them.

"She’ll bring us mice /and things that are nice." said Sarah.

"I suppose so!" said Percy.

"I want my mummy!" said Bill.

They sat and they thought(all owls think a lot)-

"I think we should all sit on my branch." said Sarah.

And they did, all three together.

"Suppose she got lost." said Sarah.

"Or a fox got (h)er!" said Percy.

"I want my mummy!" said Bill.

And the baby owls closed their owl eyes /and wished their Owl Mother would come.


"Mummy!" they cried,

and they flapped and they danced,and they bounced up and down /on their branch.

"WHAT’S ALL THE FUSS?" /their Owl Mother asked.

"You knew I’d come back."

The baby owls thought(all owls think a lot)-

"I knew it." said Sarah.

"And I knew it!" said Percy.

"I love my mummy!" said Bill.

