The three parts of purpose

The three parts of purpose

The Three Parts of Purpose
A useful statement of purpose for a company needs three parts.The first is what I will call a likeness.By analogy,a master painter often will create a pencil likeness that he has seen in his mind, before he attempts to create it in oils. A likeness of a company is what the key leaders and employees want the enterprise to have become at the end of the path that they are on.The word likeness is important here,because it isn't something that employees will excitedly“discover”that the company has become at some point in the future.Rather,the likeness is what the managers and employees hope they will have actually built when they reach each critical milestone in their journey.
Second, for a purpose to be useful, employees and executives need to have a deep commitment—almost a conversion— to the likeness that they are trying to create.The purpose can't begin and end on paper. Because issues demanding answers about priorities will repeatedly emerge in unpredictable ways, employees without this deep conversion will find that the world will compromise the likeness by wave after wave of extenuating circumstances.
The third part of a company's purpose is one or a few metrics by which managers and employees can measure their progress. These metrics enable everyone associated with the enterprise to calibrate their work,keeping them moving together in a coherent way.

