35,沟通篇-安慰鼓励Encouraging and Comforting

35,沟通篇-安慰鼓励Encouraging and Comforting

35,沟通篇-鼓励安慰Encouraging And comforting01,Don't let this get you down.别灰心丧气。*get down是“使沮丧”的意思。如:Don’t let it get you down if somebodydoesn't like you! It's natural. Everybody can't be friends.不要因为有人不喜欢你而祖丧!这很正常,不是人人都能成为朋友。02,We believed in you and your potential.我们信任你和你的能力。 believein是“信任··.”的意思。I don’t believe in everything he says.我不相信他的任何一句话。03,I’ll back you up no matter what's happening.不管怎样,我都会支持你。=I'll stand by you no matter what's happening.不管怎样,我都会支持你。=I'll support you no matter what's happening.不管怎样,我都会支持你。04,Sorry for my mistake in filing documents.我为我归档的失误表示歉意。It's alright. This always happens.没事啦。这种事常常会发生的。05,Come on. It's still not the end of the world,isn't it ?好啦别灰心,至少现在还不是世界末日,不是吗?* the end of是“………·的最后”的意思。如:At the end of the street,there is atelephone booth.街的尽头有一个电话亭。booth电话亭06,Keep your chin up.别灰心。=pull yourself together.振奋起来。chin下巴07,Don't be so miserable!别这么愁眉苦脸的。 miserable [mizorabl]adj.痛苦的如:Her wretchedness made him feel miserable.她的不幸让他感到十分难受。wretched adj.感到不适的;难受的;不愉快的;极坏的;恶劣的;可怜的;悲惨的;(表示憎恶)该死的,无法容忍的CET6 / 考研 / TEM8 / GREwretchedness悲惨、不幸、可怜08,Don't lose faith. Every cloud has a silver lining.别灰心。再黑暗的地方也有一线光明。09,Let’s look on the bright side.我们来看看事情好的一面。bright side 是“令人高兴的一面”的意思。如:Positive thoughts will show you the bright side of life.积极的态度显示出你生活中光明的一面。10,The mistake I've made make me worried now.我造成的失误让我现在很担忧。B:Loosen up! It’s not worth getting upset about.放松点儿!不值得为这件事苦恼。loosen vt.放松、解开(衣服)、宽松loose vt. adj. adv. n.大多时候用做名词和形容词,宽松的、放松的。
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