

既有华美的文辞,又有充实的内容。“衔”,含在口中;“佩”,佩戴在身上。“衔”“佩”在这里都是“具有”的意思。“华”,本指植物的花,喻指文辞、形式华美;“实”,本指植物果实,喻指文章内容充实。既有充实内容,又有华美形式,是一切文艺作品的理想形态,也是古今公认的写作诗文的基本原则。具体的诗文作品会存在偏重形式美和偏重内容充实的区别,具体到某一个作者也会有不同的审美偏好,但总体上要保持均衡折中的状态。南朝刘勰依据圣人经典确立了这一原则,既反对形式主义,又肯定了文采和形式技巧的重要性。A literary work should be beautiful in wording and solid in content. Xian (衔) means "hold in one's mouth," and pei (佩), "put on." Hua (华) originally meant a "flower" and figuratively stood for "elegant language" or "formal beauty." Shi (实) originally meant "fruit" and figuratively signified "fullness of content." It has been widely accepted over the centuries that an ideal work of art gives equal weight to content and form. This is an essential principle governing the writing of prose and poetry since ancient times. Some works prioritize formal beauty and others focus on fullness of content. Likewise, different writers have different aesthetic tastes. But overall, a balance should be struck between these two merits. Liu Xie of the Southern Dynasties established this principle on the basis of the works of the sages. While opposing formalism, he nevertheless recognized the value of formal beauty and technique.引例 Citations:◎然则圣文之雅丽,固衔华而佩实者也。(刘勰《文心雕龙·征圣》)既然如此,那么圣人的文章既雅正又华丽,本就兼有华美的文采和充实的内容。Thus, the writings of the sages have class and beauty; they are graceful in wording and solid in content. (Liu Xie: The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons)◎贻上之诗,文繁理富,衔华佩实。(钱谦益《王贻上诗集序》)王士禛的诗,文采繁富而意义丰赡,既有华美的文辞,又有充实的内容。The poetry of Wang Shizhen is both stylistically intricate and rich in meaning. It features both beautiful wording and solid substance. (Qian Qianyi: Preface to Wang Shizhen's Poems)
