use the shrimp software

use the shrimp software

1.利用知虾软件去分析 Use the shrimp software to analyze (shiruaimp aine laizi)店铺热销产品:Best-selling products in the store praodeks家用电器这个类目中新店销量最好的店铺叫牧塘品牌旗舰店The store with the best new store sales in the category(kaite gaorui) of household appliances is called MUTANG Brand Flagship Store 店铺Id:650689260 Store Id: 650689260产品数量 :64 Number of products: 64店铺评分:5.0 Store Rating: 5.0累计粉丝数:99 Cumulative(kuime leteiwu) number of fans: 99 开店时间:2022-01-09 17:11:09 Opening time: 2022-01-09 17:11:09店铺地址:Overseas Store address: Overseas30日有销量产品Products on sale on the 30th30日产品销量30-day product sales30日产品销售额(RM)30-day product sales (RM)7天上新数7 days new numbers折扣价(RM)Discounted Price (RM) diskang tide有销量产品均价(RM) Average price of products with sales (RM) aiwu ruizhi店铺销售数据 Store sales data dei teAIRROBO全新升级P10家用扫地机器人。AIRROBO New upgrade P10 household robot clean sweep the floor.提现:工作时间 上午10点-下点午4点Withdrawal: working hours 10:00 am - 4:00 pm wiz drao非工作日:快速提现 2个小时内,费率 0.7%;普通提现是下一个工作日Non-working days: Quick withdrawal within 2 hours, the rate is 0.7%; ordinary(aode nairui) withdrawal is the next working day nan woking 注册企业的paypal,需要资料 :营业执照,证件信息以及法人手持身份证件照片,绑定企业对公账户——开户银行 银行账号 开户行地址Registering(reizhiste ruiing) a company's paypal requires(reikuaies) information: business license(laisens), certificate (setui feiket) information and a photo of the legal(leigou) person holding an ID card, and bind (baid)the company's corporate account (cao praite ecount)- account opening bank, bank account number, account opening bank address(ai dres)
