3.14 美音朗读版

3.14 美音朗读版

  • MissFang0000

    When you clarify your purpose, you take back your external locus of control, where you worry about what other people think and you take an internal locus.

    MissFang0000 回复 @MissFang0000: and前面应该要加一个逗号。

  • 静怡01

    When you clarify your purpose, you take back your external locus of control, where you worry about what other people think and you take an internal locus.

  • 1885152smet

    When you clarify your purpose, you take back your external locus of control, where you worry about what other people think, and you take an internal locus.

  • 10810

    When you clarify your purpose, you take back your external locus of control, where you worry about what other people think and you take an internal locus.