



     《真爱至上》 影片时长135分钟,我至少有一个小时都咧着嘴,并不是因为情节有多搞笑,角色有多滑稽,而是面对着一个个执著追寻的人物,一幅幅光鲜明亮的画面,一首首欢乐激昂的歌曲,我不由自主地沉浸到了这一切营造出的温馨中,真正意义上愉悦了我的精神。 片中所展现的那些人物,或是得爱时的情意绵绵,或是失爱后的忧郁颓靡;或是已经对影成双,或是仍在孤身等待;或是因青色之恋难以启口,或是因厌倦旧人找寻新欢。这一张张写着喜怒哀乐的面孔,无论来自于哪个年龄,哪个阶层都只诉说着一个主题,爱。



     《真爱至上》中存在着很多线索,每一条线索都是一段爱情故事,它们之间并没有直接的联系。但我们在欣赏影片的过程中浑然不觉故事的切换,众多并不相关的人和故事在导演的精心安排下串在了一起。全片暗含了一段串联所有情节的,在每个观众心中已经承认了的主旋律,那就是love is all around。爱就在身边。同时这也是电影所要表达的主题。影片中讲述了由休格兰特饰演的首相与他秘书的故事。严格地来说他并不能算做片中的主角,因为片中根本没有主角,所有的人都是平等的,非要有个主角的话,那只能是高度抽象的东西——身边的爱。片中感人的片断太多了:”Enough”那段,小男孩那段,作家到贫民区去寻找曾和他在一起的女佣人那段……



      LOVE ACTUALLY is a romantic comic film. In this movie, we see love in all kinds of guises:love between families members,love between friends,the romantic love between people from different countries and different classes.Setting in London,the film begins in five weeks before Christmas,and the plot develops in chronological order,the climax happens in the Christmas evening and followed by an epilogue that takes place one month later.

       The film begins with a voiceover from David,who is one of the main character and the prime minister of England ,commenting that whenever he gets gloomy with the state of the world he thinks about the arrival terminal at Heathrow Airport,where the pure uncomplicated love can be felt as friends and families welcome their arriving loved ones. The film then tells the 'love stories' of many people.

    David is a young and promising prime minister.On his first day working in No.10 Downing Street,David falls in love with beautiful Natalie,who is one of his secretary.Due to their stastus difference,the prime minister do not confess to Natalie.Then after David see Natalie molested by the American president, he shows a tough attitude to the President in a press conference.By doing so,he is adored by the British people.But then Natalie is  asked to change her job.

       David's sister lives a happy marriage life.At that time,her husband is tempered by one of his staff.On the Christmas Eve,she finds her husband buys a gold necklace, but it turns out that the gift  he sends to her is not the necklace,but a CD.She knows her husband's affairs,and feeling very sad.

     Another staff of Prime Minister's sister's husband has a crush on one of her male colleague, encouraged by everyone on Christmas Eve ,she invites him to her home, but it is interrupted by his mentally ill brother, and both of them feel frustrated.

       A middle-aged man,who is the friend of the David's sister,loses his wife and lives with his stepchild.Encouraged by him,the stepchild decides to learn to play percussion music to accompany for the girl he crushes on the Christmas party.

      A writer,betrayed by his wife,goes to France to grieve,but he is falling in love with his housekeeper,even though they can not understand each other's speech for they came from different countries.

       A rock star wants to return to the stage .He behaves rudely to his broker and strangely to others ,which makes his broker annoyed.A very shy young man loves his friend's girlfriend, he dares not to confess, but to be indifferent to her. A cooker always confrontes frustration in his emotional life,so he sells all his estate and flys to America to seek for his true love.

       In the magical Christmas evening,David recieves a card from Natalie,and he decides to seek for Natalie and confess to her;David's sister's husband apologizes to her and saves their marriage;the little boy's successful performance attracts the girl he loved and his father falls in love with a single-mother he meets in the school;the rock star succeeds in regaining his fame and he finally realises that his broker,who he always mocks is actually the one who care for him most ;the writer goes to Portugal and asks his housekeeper to marry him,The shy young man confesses to the lady and wish her a happy life with his friend,The cooker finally finds his love in America.

     One month after the Christmas,all of protagonists gathers in Heathrow Airport,which is the place full with love .The movie comes to the end accompanied with the song Love Is Actually All Around.

  • stay_小邪


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