【英文】Thich Nhat Hanh on Walking Meditation-5

【英文】Thich Nhat Hanh on Walking Meditation-5


Meditation: Walking on the Earth

Walk slowly, in a relaxed way. When you practice this way, your steps are those of the most secure person on earth. Feel the gravity that makes every step attach to the earth. With each step, you are grounded on the earth.

One way to practice walking meditation is to breathe in and take one step, and focus all your attention on the sole of your foot. If you have not arrived fully, 100 percent in the here and the now, don’t take the next step. I’m sure you can take a step like that because there is buddhanature in you. Buddhanature is the capacity of being aware of what is going on. It is what allows you to recognize what you are doing in the current moment and to say to yourself, I am alive, I am taking a step. Anyone can do this. There is a buddha in every one of us, and we should allow the buddha to walk.

While walking, practice conscious breathing by counting steps. Notice each breath and the number of steps you take as you breathe in and as you breathe out. Don’t try to control your breathing. Allow your lungs as much time and air as they need, and simply notice how many steps you take as your lungs fill up and how many you take as they empty, mindful of both your breath and your steps. The link is the counting.

When you walk uphill or downhill, the number of steps per breath will change. Always follow the needs of your lungs. You may notice that your exhalation is longer than your inhalation. You can also try making the in-breath and the out-breath the same length, so that you take three steps with your in-breath and three with your out-breath. Keep walking and you will find the natural connection between your breath and your steps.

Don’t forget to practice smiling. Your half-smile will bring calm and delight to your steps and your breath, and help sustain your attention. After practicing for half an hour or an hour, you will find that your breath, your steps, your counting, and your half-smile all blend together in a marvelous balance of mindfulness. Each step grounds us in the solidity of the earth. With each step we fully arrive in the present moment.

Walking Meditation Poem

I take refuge in Mother Earth.
Every breath, every step
manifests our love.
Every breath brings happiness.
Every step brings happiness.
I see the whole cosmos in the earth.


BGM:Walk on The Memories

  • 听友231336533


  • QuinnyN


    YogaMeditation 回复 @QuinnyN: 原文是英文,读出来分享一下

  • Xxxxd_Liu


    YogaMeditation 回复 @Xxxxd_Liu: 能力有限

  • 烟波江上一声笑


    YogaMeditation 回复 @烟波江上一声笑: 哪里有男生……?

  • 听友110954814


    YogaMeditation 回复 @听友110954814: 谢谢:) 但我希望你讲注意力放在让自己开心的事情上, 不要过分关注焦虑啦!~ 焦虑一直会在我们身边,但是不要将它放大哦

  • 听友253777074


    YogaMeditation 回复 @听友253777074: 没有翻译过来,直接读的原文