91.大便次数与肠癌Bowel frequency and bowel cancer

91.大便次数与肠癌Bowel frequency and bowel cancer


As the saying goes, you can tell if your bowels are good by looking at your bowel movements.
Many people know that a bloody bowel movement is a sign of bleeding in the digestive tract or problems such as haemorrhoids, and a black bowel movement is a sign of serious damage to the stomach mucosa. So how can you tell if your bowels are good? Look at the timing of your bowel movements!
There is a large group of people with gastrointestinal problems and most people with gastrointestinal problems do not have the relevant knowledge. So is a normal bowel movement once every three days, or three times a day?
Obviously, neither of these is a healthy bowel frequency. The average frequency of bowel movements for healthy people is 3 to 7 times a week, and 1-2 times a day is normal.
If the bowel movements are once every three days, for a short period of time, this may be due to diet or lack of water. If the bowel movements are dry and difficult to pass, this may be a case of constipation.
If the stools are repeated over a long period of time, it may be a result of eating the wrong food or a short period of gastrointestinal dysfunction.
Through clinical performance, these two types of bowel movements may be signals of bowel cancer. If you account for one of them, you should observe whether there are other symptoms in your body, and if there are also the following 3 manifestations, it is recommended to go to hospital for a colonoscopy and gastroscopy.
1. Abdominal distension
The common manifestation of gastrointestinal problems is abdominal bloating and abdominal pain. The manifestation of stomach cancer is pain in the upper abdomen, while the manifestation of bowel cancer is abdominal flatulence, that is, bloating of the stomach, because as the digestive capacity of the intestines decreases, there is more and more gas, and if this situation occurs repeatedly, it needs to be taken seriously.
2、Abdominal pain during defecation
If there is often abdominal pain during defecation, one may be the presence of inflammation in the intestinal tract, the second is the presence of tumors in the intestinal tract, when the stool is squeezed to produce pain, it is possible that the intestinal tract lesions.
3, mucus-like stool
It may be caused by chronic intestinal inflammation, indicating that the intestinal tract is damaged, is also one of the manifestations of irritable bowel syndrome, if the situation is serious need to go to the hospital for stool routine plus occult blood test.
Intestinal disorders are now invading the young population. If you have disordered bowel movements and these are accompanied by the above phenomena, you should be aware that your bowel may already be in a state of damage. If you have any of these conditions, the first thing you need to do is to change your habits, and you may wish to refer to several methods.
1, eat more vegetables and fruits
You can choose some high-fiber vegetables and fruits, as well as foods containing vitamin B, which can promote intestinal peristalsis and keep the intestinal tract active. But some cool, stimulating food, do not eat, will increase the burden on the intestines, leading to more weak spleen and stomach.
3, regularity of life and rest
It is also important to have a regular routine, because the body needs to have a rest and self-repair time, if the stomach and intestines are not good, and then to stay up late, it will increase the burden on the stomach and intestines, especially late night eating, eat less late night snacks, it is best to go to sleep before 11 pm.

