3.8 英音朗读版

3.8 英音朗读版

  • Eagle21c

    I was built to be a mountain, not a creek, rising to the high peaks with the small valleys at my feet.

  • Alice_ev

    I was built to be a mountain not a creek, rising to the high peaks with the small valleys at my feet. I was born to be great, not worthless, standing on the shoulders of the giants, the petty cowards beneath me. “我生来就是高山而非溪流,我欲于群峰之巅俯视平庸的沟壑。我生来就是人杰而非草芥,我站在伟人之肩藐视卑微的懦夫!” 这是张桂梅创立的华坪女子高中的校训。

  • Janemay116

    I was built to be mountain, not a creek, rising to the high peaks with the small valleys at my feet.

  • 武小熙

    I was built to be a mountain,not a creek, rising to the high peaks with the small valleys at my feet.  我生来就是高山而非溪流,我欲于群峰之巅俯视平庸的沟壑。

  • 是Kylin呀

    I was built to be a mountain, not a creek, rising to the high peaks with the small valleys at my feet.