视听说3(第三版)Unit6_P127LC_Surviving the summer heat

视听说3(第三版)Unit6_P127LC_Surviving the summer heat


Further practice in listening

Long conversation(P.127)


W: It is hot outside!

M: Hi Daisy! Whatis it, 75 degrees Fahrenheit?

W: It’s over 100 Grandpa! You’re just cool because you’ve had the air conditioning on! I’ve been working in the yard all morning. I’m so hot and I feel like I’m melting!

M: At least you can come inside and have a nice cool glass of lemon juice.

W: And I sure need it! I’ve been baking in the Arizona sun for two hours now, and I can’t imagine anything better than standing in the cool air enjoying an ice-cold drink.

M: Back when I wasyour age, we didn’t have any air conditioning. Willis Carrier didn’t invent air conditioning until 1902, and it wasn’t available in people’s homes until after World War II. 

W: Wow! What was life like for you?

M: I worked as a farmhand for the neighbors, building fences all day. You should have seen mewhen I was 13, sunburned and dirty.

W: And you still lived in Arizona back then?

M: No, I was in Texas. We survived the heat by swimming all the time. There was a stream running through the farm, and every few hours, I would leap into the water! Even with my clothes completely soaked with water, the sun would still dry me off in 10 minutes!

W: I know you didn’t have cell phones and computers, but I forget about the little comforts like the air conditioning.

M: Yes, a lot has changed, but not this summer heat!

W: I wonder what scientists will come up with in the next century to keep us cool.

M: I’d like a weather machine to make it rain during these long dry spells.

W: Personally, I hope someone invents a personal ice cream machine! It could follow me aroundall day making chocolate ice cream!

Q1: What was the girl doing on such a hot morning?

Q2: What do we know about the air conditioning from the conversation?

Q3: What can we learn about the man when he was 13?

Q4: What would the girl like to have in the next century to keep cool?



