22.God Bless America 上帝保佑美国

22.God Bless America 上帝保佑美国


22. God Bless America上帝保佑美国


You want God to bless America and not any other place in the world?They’re talking about God giving Americans more than He gives the people of other countries.It seems as if He's already done that.We certainly have more than our share of the good things on earth.But I don't think we’re blessed with so much because God likes us better or because politicians are always asking Him to bless us.

“God bless America.”

Do the people who ask God to bless America believe that a justing, caring God who has the power to make things better or worse for a country would really choose to make things better for Americans than for people of say Canada or Bostwana”Why would God do that? Certainly not because George W.Bush or Jesse Jackson asked Him to at the end of a speech.

If the politicians who are always saying it were as religious as they like to make voters think they are, they'd be saying,”please God,make available to every human being in the world all the good things we are so lucky to have here in America.”

And then I have one concluding thought about political speeches,too.I like President George W.Bush's Inaugural Address.Is was good but it didn't sound as though he wrote it .I don't think he did .As a writer I like to see writers get credit for their word .Every political speech ought to end ,not with”God bless America,”but with the name of the writer.







  • FM_白亮小鱼儿


  • 小兔黄瓜


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