045.Meet the Animals 45-Grasshopper

045.Meet the Animals 45-Grasshopper


Oh! Hello!
Who are you?
I'm a grasshopper.
We are insects that jump!
Where do you live?
We live all over the world.
We like forests and fields.
What do you eat?  
Grasshoppers eat plants.
We eat lots of leaves.
We like bark and flowers too.
You have really long legs!
Our long back legs help us jump.
We can jump very high and very far.
Can you fly?
Most grasshoppers have wings and can fly.
Our legs help us spring into the air.
Do you have any enemies?
Many animals like to eat us.
But our colors help us hide.
We can hop away fast too!
Do you live alone?
Grasshoppers usually live alone.
But sometimes we gather in big groups.
I see some fresh grass.
I'm going to jump over there.
Good-bye, Grasshopper!

