





Some S.H.I.E.L.D. bunk-rooms were their own method of torture, Alex guessed.

It was small and stuffy and windowless, with barely room for a single compact iron bunk bed. 

It was even a miserable place to be miserable. 

Alex had watched her toss and turn until her nightmares had finally gotten the better of her fitful sleep. 

You don't have to let anxiety and depression get the better of you. 

Alex rubbed her shoulder now.

She laughed in spite of everything.

Do you think this is the O.P.U.S.? Maybe you’re somehow picking up on Natasha Romanoff too? 

You mean I’m catching whatever it is the two of you have? Quantum Russian? No. 

Except the combat part. That I get. She has some great counterattacks. 

He said slowly, without realizing quite what he was saying. Then he turned red, because he did. 

They were face-to-face now—his lips almost grazed her cheek when he spoke. 

I guess not. 

Alex pulled on a strand of cinnamon curl, studying her profile. 

She was so beautiful it was almost shocking to see in this depressing gray cell of a room.

You keep to yourself. 

Her eyes looked fleetingly sad.

You don’t think I’m crazy? After I lost it back there? 

His heart was pounding, but he didn’t know if it was from nerves or adrenaline.

That doesn’t count; I did the dragging on that one. 

Getting stuck in this hole with me?

“Not like anyone on planet Earth,” he said, hovering over her. 

I’m going to choose to take that as a compliment. 


1. 词汇


1) bunk /bʌŋk/ n. 铺位; (尤指船或火车的)卧铺; (尤指儿童的)双层床

2) fleeting /ˈfliːtɪŋ/ adj. 转瞬即逝的; 短暂的; 闪现的

3) miserable /ˈmɪzrəbl/ adj. 悲惨的; 痛苦的; 可怜的

4) nerves /nɜːrvz/ n. 焦虑;恐惧;紧张的情绪

5) nudge /nʌdʒ/ v. 轻推; (用肘)轻触

6) profile /ˈproʊfaɪl/ n. 轮廓; 面部的侧影

7) rub /rʌb/ v. 擦; 搓; 揉

8) tease /tiːz/ v. 戏弄,逗弄;挑逗,撩拨


1) counterattack /ˈkaʊntərəˌtæk/ n. 反击; 还击

2) fitful /ˈfɪtfl/ adj. 断断续续的; 一阵阵的; 间歇的

3) graze /ɡreɪz/ v. (在草地上)吃青草;擦过,掠过

4) hole /hoʊl/ n. 糟糕的地方

5) lace /leɪs/ v. 把……交织在一起

6) strand /strænd/ n. (线、绳、金属线、毛发等的)股,缕

7) stuffy /ˈstʌfi/ adj. 闷人的; 通风不畅的

2. 短语搭配

1) toss and turn 辗转反侧,翻来覆去

You toss and turn, but sleep won't come. 你翻来覆去,可就是睡不着。

2) get the better of sth 战胜,打败,占了……的上风

You don't have to let anxiety and depression get the better of you. 你不必非得让焦虑和抑郁左右了你。

3) rub shoulders (with) (与某人)接触,交往,厮混

She claims that she rubs shoulders with royalty all the time. 她声称她一直和王室成员有交往。

4) in spite of everything 不顾一切,不管怎么样,终究,毕竟

In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart. 无论如何,我始终相信人性本善。

5) pick up on sb/sth 学习,明白,理解

She's real sharp. She picks up on everything. 她很聪明,学什么都很快。

6) not quite 不完全地

I’m not quite sure where she lives. 我不太确定她住在哪儿。

7) a sth of a sth ……的一个……(表示后一个名词的某种品质或特征)

her idiot of a husband 她那个笨蛋老公

What an angel of a beauty she is. 真是一个天使一样的美女啊!

8) keep to oneself 不与人往来,不爱交际

If you want to make friends, you can't keep to yourself all the time. Start meeting people! 如果你想交到朋友,就不能老是自己一个人呆着。出去见见人啊!

9) lose it 大发雷霆,未能控制情绪,发疯,精神失常

10) hover over 盘旋,停留在……上方

11) take sth as a compliment 把某事当作是对自己的肯定、表扬(即使对方可能不是这个意思)

After a bit she became used to being stared at, even taking it as a compliment. 过了一阵子,她开始习惯别人盯着她看了,甚至开始把这当做一种赞美。

3. 实用句型

1) I guess not. 我想也是(同意对方的否定说法)。

-She wasn't happy? -I guess not. -她不开心吗?-我觉得是。

