Warm-up Speech Friendship and Vulnerability

Warm-up Speech Friendship and Vulnerability


Produced by the AEC Team

Donald Stabile

Charlie Musgrove

Maggie Zheng

Helen Zhao

Warm-up Speech

Friendship and Vulnerability

The topic of vulnerability is a tricky one. Talking aboutvulnerability makes us feel vulnerable.

At the first sight, it seems odd that we can encouragesomeone to like us by revealing our weaknesses to them. After all, don't wewant people to be our friends because of our strengths and better qualities? InEnglish there is an expression, "Always put your best foot forward."This means that when we meet strangers we want them to see what is good aboutus in terms of our looks, personality, intelligence, etc.

But the world is changing and we all know that no one isperfect. Even public figures make mistakes! They will admit to making many ofthem every day. In making this admission they are saying two things. First,they are saying “Because I am not perfect I don't expect you to be perfect andcan accept you for who you are.” It is true! Even if my best friend makes amistake I will still like her as my friend. Second, they are saying “I amtrusting you to like me even though I am not perfect and may make mistakes.” Ina word, displaying our vulnerabilities makes us all too human and that can bevery difficult. So my speech is encouraging you and myself to try.

In fact, coping withvulnerabilities wisely, voluntarily or involuntarily, has become a vital skill forus to empower ourselves and our beloved ones. Friendship and love is onlysustainable when we reveal our vulnerabilities to those who we absolutelytrust, who genuinely care about us, and who are in the best position to reach out.Why? Because we will be together for a shared future only by soliciting mutualunderstanding and wise support from each other for our whole life.

