



Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone celebrated its 20th anniversary earlier this year. The beloved cast and crew commemorated the occasion by reuniting for the Harry Potter 20th Anniversary.

Harry Potter fans will be kicking off the new year filled with nostalgia /nɒˈstældʒə/ as they watch Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter), Emma Waston (Hermione Granger), and Rupert Grint (Ron Weasley) head back to where it all started more than two decades ago.

The trio became worldwide icons when the movie was released in November 2001, but they had no idea how suddenly their lives would change

The stars recounted stories of their auditions, their first times meeting each other, and their secret crushes on set. 

During the special, Radcliffe said that Harry Potter makes life richer, and that’s exactly what the films have done and will continue to do, always. 

The director and the production team knew how important it was for fans to approve of the actors they chose for the cast.The titular role was their top priority but also their biggest challenge. As a die-hard Potter fan, it’s a strange feeling to look back at your own life and make parallels between where you were and who you were when each one of the movies dropped.

As the actors have grown up and gone on to accomplish different things, so have we as fans.

Fans who watched the films in theaters at midnight are also all adults now too. 


Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone celebrated its 20th anniversary earlier this year. The beloved cast and crew commemorated the occasion by reuniting for the Harry Potter 20th Anniversary.


1)Sorcerer /ˈsɔːsərə(r)/ <noun> (故事中的)术士,男巫,巫师 

2)Beloved <adj.> loved very much by someone; very popular with someone 钟爱的;深受喜爱的 

3)Cast <noun> all the people who act in a play or film / movie (一出戏剧 / 一部电影的)全体演员

4)Crew <noun> a group of people with special skills working together 专业团队;技术人员团队 

e.g. a film / camera crew 电影摄制组;摄制组 

5)Commemorate <verb> 用…做纪念;作为…的纪念

6)Reunite <verb> to come together again 再聚首 

Harry Potter fans will be kicking off the new year filled with nostalgia as they watch Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter), Emma Waston (Hermione Granger), and Rupert Grint (Ron Weasley) head back to where it all started more than two decades ago. 


1)Kick off = to start 

2)Nostalgia /nɒˈstældʒə/ <noun> 怀旧;怀念


The trio became worldwide icons when the movie was released in November 2001, but they had no idea how suddenly their lives would change.


1)Trio <noun> a group of three people or things 三人小组;三件套 

2)Icon <noun> 崇拜对象;偶像 

The stars recounted stories of their auditions, their first times meeting each other, and their secret crushes on set. 

During the special, Radcliffe said that Harry Potter makes life richer, and that’s exactly what the films have done and will continue to do, always. 


1)Recount <verb> to tell someone about something, especially something you have experienced 讲述,叙述(亲身经历)

2)Audition <noun> a short performance given by an actor, a singer, etc., so that someone can decide whether they are suitable to act in a play, sing in a concert 试音;试唱;试镜 

3)Crush <noun> a strong feeling of love, that usually does not last very long, that a young person has for someone older (通常指年轻人对年长者的短暂的) 热恋;迷恋

4)Rich <adj.> very interesting and full of variety 非常有趣的;丰富多彩的 


The director and the production team knew how important it was for fans to approve of the actors they chose for the cast.The titular role was their top priority but also their biggest challenge. As a die-hard Potter fan, it’s a strange feeling to look back at your own life and 

make parallels

 between where you were and who you were when each one of the movies dropped.


1)Titular <adj.> (only before noun) having a particular title or status but no real power or authority 名义上的;有名无实的,文章中的 titular role 理解成名义上的角色 

2)Die-hard <adj.> strongly opposing change and new ideas 顽固的;因循守旧的,这里的 die-hard fans 理解成 “死忠粉” 

3)Parallel <noun> similar features 相似的特点;共同点 

-- Make parallels 寻找共同点 

As the actors have grown up and gone on to accomplish different things, so have we / as fans.

Fans who watched the films in theaters at midnight are also all adults now too. 


1)Accomplish <verb> to succeed in doing or completing something 完成 

2)Accomplish different things 取得了不同的成就

3)Theaters 剧场( theater的名词复数 ); 戏剧界; 戏剧效果





