Linguaphone 18.2.1 Mark Fagan

Linguaphone 18.2.1 Mark Fagan


Part 2

Mark Fagan
Receptionist: Can I help you?
Tim: Yes, we’d like a table near the dance floor. There’ll be four of us. 
Receptionist: Four? 
Tim: Yes, another boy’ll be with us. He’ll be here soon. 
Receptionist: Is this table all right?
Tim: Yes, fine. This isn’t bad, is it?
Sheila: No, it’s lovely. Are we too early?
Tim: No, Mark’ll be here in a few minutes. Where did Jane go?
Sheila: She went to the ladies’. She’ll be back soon. 
Tim: Here’s Mark … hello. Sheila, I’d like you to meet Mark Fagan. Mark, this is Sheila Morgan. 
Mark: Hello, Sheila. I’m sorry I’m late. I had to go to the garage.
Tim: Why did you have to go to the garage?
Mark: to park my car. I couldn’t find a parking space. 
Tim: Neither could I. parking’s terrible in London!

