MEP 60 中国博物馆的黄金时代?(英语)

MEP 60 中国博物馆的黄金时代?(英语)



你曾经去过西瓜博物馆吗?中国在 1949 年只有 25 个博物馆,在1979 年有大约 350 个。不 过,自 2000 年以来,中国建成了 4000 多座博物馆,2019 年中国的博物馆参观人数达到 12 亿。是什么推动了博物馆建设的热潮?你究竟如何设计一个好的博物馆?

Have you ever been to a Watermelon Museum? China had just 25 museums in 1949, and around 350 in 1979. Since 2000, though, over 4,000 museums were built in China, and the country saw 1.2 billion museum visits in 2019. What drive the museum-building boom? How do you actually design a good museum?

Featuring | 本集嘉宾

- Oranda HOU : Rockart Bund Museum partnership manager

- YU Wanying : Museelogue |《博物志》Podcast

- ZHUANG Yongwen : architect and urban designer

Article | 撰文 : Aladin Farré (

Translation | 翻译 :  Fanny Zeng |  曾龙凤

Music | 音乐 : Sean Calvo (Wechat - 微信 : SeanRamonCalvo)

  • BlueRoseKC

    You are very creative!