The Tale of Jemima Puddle-Duck 4: Kep, the Farm Dog
Jemima picked some herbs.
"The dinner will be lovely," she said.
Kep, the farm dog, looked up. "Dinner?" he said.
Jemima told him about the nice gentleman.
"What does he look like?" asked Kep.
Jemima told him.
"Where does he live?" asked Kep.
Jemima told him that too.
"Hmm," said Kep. Then he ran off.
Jemima flew back to the forest.
The gentleman was sniffing the air.
He looked nervous.
"I have herbs for our dinner!" Jemima said.
The fox jumped.
"Oh, it's you," he said. "Get inside now!"
Jemima gasped.
"My friend is mean today!" she thought.
Jemima went into the shed.
The door slammed shut.
Jemima heard barks, growls, and howls.
"Oh dear," she said. "What's going on?"
Soon it was quiet.
Someone opened the door.
It was Kep.
Kep gave Jemima a bag.
"Put your eggs inside," he said.
The dog took Jemima home.
She found a new hiding spot.
Soon she hatched some ducklings!